Welcome to Marian's Medieval Garden

The plants in this garden are gathered primarily from Appendix Three: Plants of the Middle Ages: a Dated List, contained in John Harvey's Medieval Gardens (see Sources, etc. page for more information). The illustrations were culled from many different web sites; unfortunately, I did not note where I got them.

Each plant is identified for each author as "yes" if identification is certain (or nearly so); "maybe" shows doubt as to the identification. This information is taken primarily from Harvey's work.

The lists are searchable; one can find (for example) all the plants listed by Crescenzi, or all those that are vines/climbers or all those used for dyes. Or in the information boxes, search for strewing in Miscellaneous Uses.

Clicking on square gold buttons will bring up additional information. Nota bene: for medicinal use, some of the information is now considered inaccurate or not consistent with modern medicine.

The Sources etc. page explains the citations. The Helpful Notes page is meant for those unfamiliar with Filemaker Pro and explains how to use the database.

I hope someday to add more information from the Anglo-Saxon leechcraft books and other herbals. A garden can always use a little tending. Please send your comments, suggestions, additions and/or corrections to marian@buttery.org. This on-line garden is dedicated to the memory of Sir Patri du Chat Gris.


Sources, Acknowledgments, Links

Filemaker Pro: Helpful Notes

About the Authors

Pray Enter My Garden

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