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Apollo 12

Day 3: TV Show

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 by W. David Woods and Lennox J. Waugh. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2007-05-06

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 62 hours, 1 minute now into the flight of Apollo 12. Apollo 12 presently 175,119 nautical miles away from Earth. It's velocity now reading 2,057 feet per second. A change of shift is presently taking place in the Mission Control Center with Cliff Charlesworth's Green team of Flight Controllers relieving Pete Franks' team of Orange Controllers..."

Public Affairs Office - "Apollo Control, Houston. We still have no firm time yet for the next scheduled television transmission. However, there is a very definite possibility that this time will be moved forward from the 63 hours, 30 minutes, ground elapsed time as reflected in the flight plan. We will pass along an update time, as soon as it becomes available and at 62 hours, 04 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control, Houston."

062:10:50 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

062:10:55 Gordon: Go ahead.

062:10:56 Carr: Just want to remind you to charge Battery B, please.

062:11:07 Gordon: Roger. Battery B charge.

062:11:09 Carr: Roger. Thank you.

[Comm break.]
062:13:58 Conrad: Houston, 12.

062:14:02 Carr: Go ahead, 12.

062:14:49 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

062:15:06 Carr: Apollo 12, Apollo 12, Houston. How do you read me? [Pause.]

062:15:23 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

062:15:25 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. Go. [Long pause.]

062:15:40 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

062:15:43 Carr: Apollo 12, Apollo 12, this is Houston. Over.

062:15:56 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

062:16:02 Carr: 12, Houston. Go.

062:16:06 Conrad: What's going to be the roll angle, so we can start thinking about where we're going here - for this TV?

062:16:13 Carr: Roger. Your roll angle is 285 degrees, pitch 90, and yaw is 0.

062:16:32 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

062:16:35 Conrad: Go.

062:16:36 Carr: Roger. We've got a checklist change for you for coming out of PTC. Would you open your checklist to page F 9-7? Over.

062:16:48 Conrad: Roger. Got it. Go ahead.

062:16:50 Carr: Okay. On step number 1 to exit G&N PTC, because you're so far out of the deadband, you ought to put your Man Att 3 to Accel Command before you put your Auto RCS Selects to Main A and B. And we suggest we put the – this ...

062:17:08 Conrad: Roger.

062:17:09 Carr: ...into the checklist change for good.

062:17:13 Conrad: Yes, that's probably ...

062:17:14 SC: [Garble] okay?

062:17:15 Conrad: ...a good idea. [Pause.]

062:17:26 Carr: Okay. And we think you probably ought to come on out of PTC now. That's one of the reasons why we're having a little trouble with Comm.

062:17:33 Conrad: Okay. And what we'll do - we'll slide on over to the 90, 0, 285.

062:17:35 Carr: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control; 62 hours, 21 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 12 presently is coming out of the passive thermal control mode, bar-b-que mode going to the attitude hold mode because of disturbance set up by waste water dump, also because of the LM checkout, which is scheduled, - normally starting at about 64 hours however, there is some discussion going on here in the control center moving that up, also, accompanying the television transmission from the spacecraft. We're standing by for a resumption of conversation..."

MP3 Audio Clip [3 mins 535 sec]

062:24:38 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. Some numbers while we're waiting for resumption of conversation, and the altitude above the Earth - here we go."

062:26:40 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston, with a Flight Plan update.

062:26:47 Conrad: Okay, Houston. Ready to copy.

062:26:50 Carr: Roger. Your TV pass at 63 plus 00. Number 1, stop your PTC roll at 285, and this is what you need to put the Sun through the hatch window. Step number 2 is your High-Gain antenna angles are pitch 19, yaw 268. Step number 3, put the ALC switch to the In position, and open the camera aperture to Full Open for your tunnel pictures.

062:27:44 Conrad: Okay, Houston. We got it.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "Back to distance and velocity. 175,763 nautical miles out from Earth. Velocity now 2,439 feet per second. Continuing to monitor air to ground as the crew of Apollo 12 prepare to man Intrepid for housekeeping chores and fairly extensive checkout of the Lunar Module."

MP3 Audio Clip [0 mins 33 sec]

062:34:31 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

062:34:34 Carr: 12, Houston. Go.

062:34:37 Conrad: When do you want us to start this show, now?

062:34:45 Carr: Pete, we're ready whenever you are. Your option.

062:34:51 Conrad: Okay. That's what I figured. So, we're starting to pressurize the Command Module now, and we'll start here directly.

062:35:01 Carr: Okay.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. The spacecraft apparently now in attitude hold. We've had solid lock-on with the high gain antenna through the Goldstone 210-foot dish. We're standing by now for the television transmission and the subsequent manning of the lunar module, Intrepid. Standing by live on the air-ground circuit."

062:49:55 Conrad: Hello, Houston; 12.

062:49:57 Carr: 12, Houston. Go.

MP3 Audio Clip [59 mins 20 sec]

062:50:01 Conrad: Okay. We're coming up Vox at this time, and we're getting ready to give you the TV. Al will get it going in just a second.

062:50:10 Carr: Roger. Standing by. [Long pause.]

062:50:26 Bean: [Garbled] properly dressed.

062:50:34 Gordon: Jerry, we've got to dress Al yet. We have to put on his hat.

062:50:39 Carr: Roger. Lights! Camera! Action! [Pause.]

062:50:50 Conrad: I'm down here [garble] up in here, I guess.

062:51:05 Bean: Let him get over here where the Sun comes in.

062:51:10 Gordon: Shortly too.

062:51:11 Bean: There you go.

062:51:16 Gordon: Who, me? Okay? [Long pause.]

062:51:42 Conrad: Okay. You putting it out? Wait a minute. You got it on the ground yet, Houston?

062:51:49 Carr: Not yet, Pete.

062:51:53 Conrad: Okay. We'll hold until you get the picture.

062:51:56 Carr: Okay. We're not copying any FM downlink as yet. [Pause.]

062:52:25 Carr: 12, Houston. We have you in blushing black and white. And the color's coming in now.

062:52:32 Conrad: Roger.

062:52:35 Gordon: What happened to the color?

062:52:36 Bean: There you go.

062:52:37 Carr: Takes a little for the processing.

062:52:40 Conrad: Okay. As you can see, Dick's up there in the tunnel, and he's opening the vent valve now, and he's starting to pressurize the LM.

062:52:55 Conrad: And we have a Delta-P of about 2.3 at the moment.

062:53:04 Gordon: Okay. It's going down to about 2.2.

062:53:12 Conrad: Well, no. The Delta-P went up when we pumped up the cabin.

062:53:21 Gordon: Delta-P is 1.8.

062:53:30 Bean: What's the cabin? Okay. Just about do it. We're down to 1.3 Delta-P. Okay, 1 psi Delta-P.

062:53:54 Conrad: While we're equalizing the cabin, Houston, the attitude that you have us in, out our number 1 window, we have the Earth; and out the number 3 window, we have the Sun shining in; and out the number 5 window, we have the Moon. And, of course, we're too far from either the Earth or the Moon to see any motion, so it just seems to us that we're in suspended animation out here.

062:54:21 Carr: Roger.

062:54:22 Gordon: What's the cabin pressure, Al?

062:54:28 Conrad: Yes, it is. And you just brought the cabin Reg on and that ought to be okay so ...

062:54:35 Carr: We're reading you 4.7 on your cabin pressure now; and, Al, we're not reading you at all.

062:54:47 Bean: [Garbled] How do you read me now?

062:54:52 Carr: Okay, now, Al.

062:54:56 Bean: Okay. And the hatch is open.

062:55:06 Gordon: What in the heck is this thing doing up here? Here it goes - there's another one right there. You may not want to move it. There you go.

062:55:13 Bean: All right.

062:55:16 Conrad: Okay. Pretty good - How's the lighting down there, Houston? Looks pretty good on the monitor.

062:55:23 Carr: It's very good. We have a good picture of the hatch.

062:55:29 Bean: That's your feet up on the window there, Pete.

062:55:34 Conrad: Sorry about that.

062:55:40 Gordon: Okay. Let me get the hatch bag open so we can get it in.

062:55:50 Bean: This big old hatch wrestles pretty easily here in zero g.

062:55:56 Carr: Beats one g all to heck, doesn't it?

062:56:00 Bean: Sure does, Jerry.

062:56:10 MS: [Garble]

062:56:18 Bean: Dick's putting it under the left-hand couch now. If we move down there, we can [garble]

062:56:29 Carr: I just noticed, 12 ...

062:56:31 Bean: There you go.

062:56:32 Carr: The outer side of that hatch makes a pretty good light reflector. So you might keep that in mind if you ever need a light at that place.

062:56:35 Gordon: It sure does. Did you notice that, too?

062:56:40 Carr: Affirmative. It really lighted things up.

062:56:44 Gordon: Okay, now, we'll get back up there. We'll get up there again and take the probe out. As you recall, we've had it in and out of there several times already. And the procedures are fairly simple. Now that we've done it, we've already bled the nitrogen out, but all I do is hit that button anyway just for procedural purposes. And the pre-load handle's all set and everything. We'll, unlock the temperature latch lock, and we'll extend the strut. The umbilicals are already disconnected and stowed.

062:57:33 Carr: The lighting in the tunnel is just a tad dim, but we can make out what you're doing. [Pause.]

062:57:50 Bean: That's wide open on the f-stop now, Houston.

062:57:54 Carr: Roger.

062:58:01 Bean: I think part of the problem is there's a lot of contrast between that dark tunnel and the white garment of Dick's. It's giving the camera a little fit.

062:58:17 Gordon: Okay, turn the capture latch release 180 degrees, and all I have to do is pull the probe out of there. Okay, away she comes. [Long pause.]

062:58:47 Bean: All right, while Dick's stowing that, I'll go up and get the drogue.

062:58:58 Gordon: You got any late-night watchers, Jerry?

062:59:07 Carr: That's affirmative.

062:59:12 Conrad: Al, can you pull up your [garble], please?

062:59:13 Bean: Okay. Just a second; I'll have to move the camera.

062:59:17 Gordon: I'll hold the camera; here, hand it to me. I've got it.

062:59:20 Bean: Okay. How's that, Dick?

062:59:25 Gordon: I've got it just fine.

062:59:34 Bean: Okay. Dick's putting the probe now under the right-hand seat, and he's going to have to strap that in with something - just enough to hold it there. Let's see if I can scoot around and give you a shot of it. Not quite as light down in there.

062:59:50 Bean: Okay. [Long pause.]

063:00:28 Gordon: Okay, Pete. We're ready for the drogue.

063:00:29 Conrad: Coming down. [Pause.]

063:00:48 Bean: [Garbled] you juggle with this thing every time.

063:00:49 Gordon: Al, you got it on the umbilical cover; that's one reason. On your right hand; there you go.

063:01:01 Gordon: Boy. Hey, move back that way, and I'll take it away from you.

063:01:10 Carr: Sounds like you're handling empty milk cans up there.

063:01:12 Conrad: There you go.

063:01:17 Gordon: Hey, you want to look at the drogue after a docking?

063:01:19 Bean: That's right. Turn it around, but don't let any light hit on it, Dick, or I can't see it.

063:01:23 Gordon: How's that?

063:01:25 Bean: Too much light. Sort of tip it up or move it over to the left or right. It's got a little circle of light on it.

063:01:31 Gordon: How's that? Is that better?

063:01:36 Bean: I'll move in [garbled] there's the drogue after one docking.

063:01:44 Carr: Roger. We can't see too much because of the big light spot on it.

063:01:52 Gordon: Okay, why don't you stash that, Al or Dick, and stick ...

063:01:58 Bean: There's Dick Gordon looking through the hole.

063:02:02 Gordon: Hello, there.

063:02:07 Bean: The only mark on it is - show them where the mark is, Dick. You hit it almost dead center when you did the docking. Yes, right there. That's funny. That mark looks just like a nose; about the same length, too.

063:02:26 Gordon: Okay, Al. You want to stick her up here and we’ll [garbled]. [Pause.]

063:02:50 Bean: Okay, go ahead, Pete.

063:02:52 Conrad: All right.

063:03:03 Carr: Okay, 12. The lighting in the tunnel looks pretty good now.

063:03:09 Conrad: Okay. And if you'll hold it just a minute, I'll get the window shades down in the LM here.

063:03:20 Bean: There he goes. I don't think so. Not today. I have to transfer over these things, Dick, right here. Okay, well, I'm going over, but you'll have to hand us these goodies. We'll stick them in the LM. Hey, it looks like there's good lighting up there.

063:03:59 Carr: Roger, 12. Lighting is very good.

063:04:03 Gordon: Okay, we're going to -.

063:04:04 Conrad: Hand me those hoses first. Let me get some air going.

063:04:08 Gordon: Okay.

063:04:10 Conrad: Here, I'll get up there. Just sling me the book, Dick.

063:04:20 Gordon: Okay.

063:04:21 Conrad: And do you want to hand the long hoses up? We're putting these CSM hoses down inside the LM, since there's no ventilation in there now. We just lay them around down there where we're going to be working with the LM, and it makes it real nice for cooling and gives you clean air down in there. Without them, it gets a little stale after a while. Okay. Why don't I just go through and show them how it looks ...

063:05:05 Bean: Okay.

063:05:06 Conrad: ...when you go through the tunnel.

063:05:08 Bean: Go on. [Pause.]

063:05:19 Conrad: Okay. It's pretty easy. Just float on up. Only problem is, when you get in here, we're going to he upside down and then you got to turn around and decide ...

063:05:26 Bean: Hand me the camera.

063:05:28 Conrad: ...which way is right side up.

063:05:32 Gordon: There you go. Now I'm going to check this line. It may not be as long as we'd like. That's it right there. That's it, Pete.

063:05:43 Conrad: You'll probably have to turn around upside down, let me dive in there.

063:05:51 Gordon: I tell you what. Let me scout those items, and I'll hand them in to you, Pete.

063:05:55 Conrad: All right, what are you looking for?

063:05:59 Gordon: Hand me the book, and I'll do it, toss them in to you, and you can put them up.

063:06:04 Carr: 12, Houston. We had a pretty good view of your ECS module there; and now, we're getting a good view of the main panels upside down.

063:06:19 Conrad: We discovered an interesting thing while we were in here the other day. The AOT looks right into the Command Module rendezvous window, and I was looking out to see what I could see, and I saw this face looking back at me, and it was Dick in the other window.

063:06:41 Carr: Roger. Did it scare you?

063:06:46 Conrad: It should have.

063:06:47 Bean: [Garble] it's hot in here. It's quite warm in here today. The way we stopped has the Sun coming in through one window, and it's heating it up pretty good in here.

063:07:06 Carr: Roger. Looks like the Sun's coming in through the CDR's window.

063:07:14 Conrad: Yes. That's right.

063:07:16 Gordon: Here's a box of Kleenex, Pete. Coming in, right by you.

063:07:17 Conrad: Got it.

063:07:18 Gordon: Next one's two towels. I'll go get them.

063:07:19 Conrad: Okay.

063:07:20 Carr: We just had a good view of the PLSS fastened down there on the floor between your legs.

063:07:28 Conrad: Yes. I can't go down any further. My Comm line won't allow me to go any further than I am right now, so I got myself Velcroed to the top of Al's PLSS.

063:07:44 Carr: Okay. That's a good view of it right there.

063:07:54 Conrad: I'm just giving you a two-bit tour, Jerry.

063:07:59 Carr: Roger.

063:08:x5 Conrad: When we were in the other day, we rigged the ...

063:08:32 Bean: Hey, here comes ...

063:08:35 Conrad: What you got, Al?

063:08:36 Bean: ...yes, here comes a couple of towels. Both of that and the Kleenex go in the left-hand side storage compartment. Let me get the 16-millimeter magazines and 70-millimeter magazines.

063:08:49 Conrad: Hey, Al. Why don't you come up here, and let me get those for you?

063:08:52 Bean: Okay. That's a good idea, and then maybe I can say a few words about this here.

063:08:56 Conrad: Well, as a matter of fact, you're going to have to do that, Al, because I can't get any lower on this Comm cable. You're the only one that can get down there.

063:09:02 Bean: All right.

063:09:04 Conrad: I'll hold the camera, Dick. We have a three-way switch here in the tunnel.

063:09:10 Bean: Okay, I'll just come on past. Okay?

063:09:18 Conrad: Dick?

063:09:19 Gordon: Okay? [Long pause.]

063:09:30 Carr: We just had a good view of your helmet stowage bag down there a couple seconds ago.

063:09:41 Gordon: Al, here's the Kleenex and the towels.

063:09:49 Carr: Looks like you're trying to pack a telephone booth.

063:10:45 Conrad: I'll get the camera in here, Jerry, and bring it around the corner.

063:10:51 Bean: Okay. Let me put those in their proper spots.

063:19:56 Conrad: Okay, what we've got on this side, Jerry, is what we call a left-hand side stowage compartment, and it's pretty unique in that it's made out of Beta cloth, and from these snaps, you can see we can remove it. So what we do after the first EVA, we put a lot of our things that we don't need anymore inside these bags, and then we can put them outside on the lunar surface; and after the second EVA, we can put some other things in this other or the backend side of this stowage compartment, and then put it out on the lunar surface, also, until we end up being able to very tidily put some of our gear on the outside of the - outside the spacecraft so we'll be a lot lighter when we get ready to leave the lunar surface, which is handy since we - you can bring back more rocks and what have you.

063:11:50 Carr: Roger.

063:11:53 Bean: Okay, I'll just stick this down in here.

063:11:55 Conrad: You can also see in the picture the restraint straps that are hooked up above that, used to hold us in for landing.

063:12:06 Bean: There you go. Yes, this is what Pete's talking about. Okay, you got some more goodies? 70-millimeter magazines. There's two of them. These are the two that go here in the TSB, Temporary Stowage Bag [garble].

063:12:23 Conrad: Two of them go in the ISA.

063:12:26 Bean: Right, just a second. TSB safely stuffed away. Take a look in here, and let's see how this looks. Let's poke them right in here; then they'll be here tomorrow. Open this up.

063:12:46 Carr: 12, Houston. Our color TV is running about 11 seconds behind your voice; and so what you're talking about, we're seeing about anywhere from l0 to ll seconds later.

063:13:03 Conrad: Okay. That's interesting. Was that due to the processing?

063:13:08 Carr: That's affirmative.

063:13:13 Bean: What we are doing now is putting the - two of the 70-millimeter magazines for Hasselblads in the stowage container here. Those are the two that we're going to use when we first get on the lunar surface. Here's three more, and these three will be used the second EVA, and so we'll stick them over here in the right-hand side stowage compartment. The right-hand side doesn't - isn't removable at all, as you probably know. We'll go ahead - The cameras and film that we bring back from the lunar surface, we'll put all of that material over here on the right-hand side, or a lot of it anyway, because the left-hand side won't be there. As you're looking now, then I'm slipping that Beta cloth bag in its place on the right side.

063:14:07 Carr: Roger.

063:14:08 Bean: Okay, here's the 16-millimeter film.

063:14:09 Carr: Okay.

063:14:12 Bean: The same thing with the 16-millimeter film, you'll be seeing in a moment.

063:14:26 Conrad: Okay, there's just one of those, Dick, and that's in A-8.

063:14:32 Gordon: That's the whole package, just here?

063:14:34 Conrad: That's it.

063:14:37 Bean: Okay, as you see, I'm just about to put the 16-millimeter magazines in their stowage compartment. In spacecraft, as you can see, there is not a lot of room, so you end up having to put every item in its own little place. As you can see, as the film - as magazines go in, they fit into a tidy little ...

063:15:02 Conrad: We need one of those. We need a spare.

063:15:03 Bean: ...[garble] bracket. And if Pete gives you a complete look at that right-hand stowage compartment, you can see we've got quite a lot of goodies here. Down here, we've got a spare ...

063:15:19 Carr: We're getting a good view of the right-hand compartment now, and we can see your helmet stowage bag down there in the corner, that spherical white bag.

063:15:29 Bean: Right. Right in here, we keep some spare bulbs for the COAS. A little bit higher up, we've got Sun filter for our telescope.

063:15:46 Conrad: Yes, and it's marked.

063:15:49 Bean: There's the COAS filter. It's the pilot's sighting device. The waste stowage bags are stored in the bottom two compartments. In here, I hope, is our Hasselblad camera, at least one of them. We have two of them. Yes, there it is. Got to put it together right now. It is - just the camera itself; we'll have to put the magazine on later, and the handle, and all the attachments allowed to be fixed to our PLSS. RCU, PLSS RCU.

063:16:30 Bean: Is that all of the transfer?

063:16:32 Carr: Roger, Al. That's the color camera you're going to use out on the lunar surface, isn't it?

063:16:38 Bean: No, Jerry. We don't have the color camera that we're going to use on the lunar surface inside the LM. It is outside on the MESA, and it's going to be just like Apollo 11. When Pete goes down the ladder, he'll pull a handle; it will lower the MESA, and then the TV will be pointing right at the lower part of the ladder so that everyone can see when he steps on the surface. We’ll later put that out on the lunar surface on a tripod, and we'll be able to move it around so that everybody can see for both of our EVA's. Those two cameras - I only showed you one; the other is right next to it - are the two 70-millimeter still cameras; they hook right on the front of the suit, so that you can take still pictures of rocks, the Surveyor when we get there, and ALSEP, and what have you, while we are walking around.

063:17:39 Conrad: Jerry, I'm showing you a picture of the instrument panel right now; but what I'm more interested in, on my monitor, I can see some dust particles; maybe you can see them down there on the TV. I think that's pretty good resolution.

063:17:56 Carr: That's affirmative, Pete.

063:17:57 Conrad: They happened to be floating in the sunlight - they just happened to be floating in the sunlight that's in here. Of course, there is a little bit of - it's very light dust, but it looks big on the TV screen because the Sun is illuminating it; and, of course, as soon as we start running the ECS system in here, it will clean it all out.

063:18:18 Bean: Okay, I am going to start doing that right now. Just opened the descent H2O. I'm opening the descent O2, Pete, and going to Cabin Repress, Auto; and, when I do, you are going to hear a bang, so ...

063:18:33 Conrad: Stand by for the bang.

063:18:35 Bean: ... Dick? Get ready for the bang.

063:18:36 Gordon: Stand by for the bang.

063:18:38 Conrad: Ready.

063:18:39 Gordon: Okay,. That's it. And the Cabin Repress circuit breaker is going to go closed, Suit isolation valve, O2, Flow, and then actuate override.

063:18:53 Bean: If you will just wait a minute, let me - I've got to get the camera on all that good stuff.

063:18:57 Gordon: All right..

063:18:58 Carr: 12, Houston. We can see the dust particles very well.

063:19:05 Bean: Okay.

063:19:08 Conrad: This is a shot of the suit disconnect valves.

063:19:13 Bean: Did you show them where both of our PLSS's were stowed? We got one over here, Pete, on the side and one on the bottom. I didn't know - one of the floor right in front of the hatch.

063:19:22 Carr: 12, Houston. We've seen the one on the floor ...

063:19:29 Conrad: Okay.

063:19:30 Carr: So, if you can show us the one over on the side, we'll be in good shape.

063:19:37 Bean: And pull this latch right?

063:19:40 Bean: I don't know; you will have to back it up [garble] and show that, Pete?

063:19:47 Bean: It's pretty tight quarters in there.

063:19:48 Conrad: I don't know; you're going to have to back the camera up.

063:19:49 Bean: Okay. Why don't I do that.

063:19:51 Gordon: Take a look at the monitor.

063:19:56 Conrad: Be sure we don't get too much ...

063:19:59 Gordon: That's a good picture.

063:20:01 Conrad: [Garble] get that last item.

063:20:05 Bean: Yes, Pete's PLSS is on the wall behind him. When we suit up, we won't have a lot of time to talk to you on the lunar surface. What we do is, Pete gets over on his side, which is the left side of the spacecraft, this side over here. I'll be over on the right; I'll take my PLSS off the floor and put my OPS on top of it. Pete will do the same thing with his; then he'll put - hold my PLSS up while I put it on; this takes about 10 or 15 minutes to get my PLSS on and connected. Then I kind of back over in my corner and hold his PLSS; he turns around and puts it on. It's not a lot of room here, as you can see; and when you're fairly bulky with your suit on, your PLSS is on, your helmet, and the whole business, you have to be very careful that you don't bump into the - any of the parts of the LM. I'm showing you my PLSS again. It is a little bright here, so I am going to have to be careful about this camera. There's the helmet stowage bag.

063:21:09 Conrad: Hey, Al, I wonder if it's at all possible for you to stop the camera down and show them the window.

063:21:17 Bean: The markings on the window? That's a good idea.

063:21:19 Conrad: Yes. The RTG is really illuminated there in the Sun.

063:21:21 Gordon: Okay. Why don't you see if you can get over there near it?

063:21:25 Bean: All right.

063:21:26 Gordon: Maybe we can show where you're standing there. Okay, the light just went out, Houston, because I've stopped the camera way down.

063:21:34 Carr: Roger.

063:21:36 Bean: What I'm going to try to show you, without bothering the camera. Yes, but we don't need since I've got it [garble].

063:21:48 Carr: 12, Houston. What's the configuration of your suit ISOL valves, now?

063:21:55 Bean: We opened and closed them, per the checklist. They are both in Suit Disconnect.

063:22:03 Conrad: It is getting awful bright.

063:22:05 Bean: I know it. It's liable to bother that camera.

063:22:07 Gordon: There you go.

063:22:08 Conrad: Is that too bright on the ground, Houston?

063:22:14 Gordon: It is f:22,

063:22:15 Carr: Can't tell, Pete.

063:22:17 Bean: You're looking at, Houston.

063:22:18 Carr: Roger. We can see the scribe marks on the window.

063:22:24 Bean: Okay. What happens is, Pete stands right behind those scribe marks you can see right at the top; There's - where the horizontal line is, that's 0 degrees, and then there's a 10 down, 20 down, and 30, 40, and on down. Right at the top then, left and right, there is also some angular marks. As we proceed in the descent and we pitch over where the lunar surface is visible, about 7,000 feet, Pete's going to be looking out through the window at those marks. I'll be reading from the computer, and the computer will say where it's taking us to land, relative to those marks. For example, probably the first thing you will hear me say is "42 degrees," so Pete will look out at the 42-degree mark, and he will see if that is the Surveyor crater. We spent a lot of time learning which crater the Surveyor is in and a lot of the more interesting craters around there, the more easily identifiable craters. He will look out and see if the craters in the right place, I mean if the 42-degree mark's in the right place. If it is, then we'll just continue on the present trajectory. If not, he can use his control stick to put a certain number of inputs in to change the direction we are headed; for example, if he saw it at 40 degrees instead of 42 for the crater we wanted, he could pitch down a couple or pitch up a couple, depending on what he wanted to do. If he saw it at 40, he would pitch down a couple of hits of the stick and, hopefully very shortly, the computer would notice this and start heading for the 40-degree point. I'd continue reading the numbers, and he'd continue to monitor them all the way down. When we got down to a low altitude, then we would be in a good position for Pete to take over manually and land next to the point we're headed for. This is called the LPD or Landing Point Designator. It allows the Commander to keep up with where the computer thinks it should land and then tell it to land at a different place if he feels it should.

063:24:40 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

063:24:41 Bean: Got any questions on that LPD, Houston? Go ahead.

063:24:45 Carr: Roger. I hate to change the subject on you guys, but it looks like you don't have your Auto Repress capability now. When you activated your Suit IS0L valve, it looks like what you should have done is gone to the Suit, Flow, and then used your actuator override, in order to set it up.

063:25:11 Conrad: How does that look to you, Houston?

063:25:20 Carr: We don't have TM; we saw that on your TV picture when you were over there fooling with it; and, so far, we haven't seen it again.

063:25:31 Bean: Okay. We fixed it up for you.

063:25:34 Carr: Okay. Thanks. I think you pretty well covered that LPD situation. I don't know that there could be any questions.

063:26:16 Conrad: Okay. We're readjusting it back inside now, Houston. Back over here, Al.

063:26:26 Bean: Okay, let me run up one of these window shades so I can cheek this AOT. Cut down your light, and maybe I can just leave it open a little bit. Just the other day, this AOT was beautiful. Push around over here. Scribe works, focus [garble].

063:27:02 Conrad: Okay, Dick. I'm shining the camera down the tunnel at you now. The hats awful bright in the Sun. That’s it, see? Yes.

063:27:17 Carr: Hello, Dick. We can see it. [Pause.]

063:27:29 Conrad: You shine - you reflect the Sun, Dick. I can't keep it on you; you reflect the Sun off your suit so bright. I'm afraid it's going to burn a spot on the tube.

063:27:44 Carr: Pete, you going to let Dick get any LM time?

063:27:49 Conrad: Yes, he's been in and out with us.

063:27:52 Carr: Okay. Pete. I think we're finished checking this thing out.

063:27:54 Gordon: They've got to Jerry. They get Command Module time.

063:27:59 Carr: That's right, babes; equal time.

063:28:03 Gordon: Ready to close up shop?

063:28:04 Conrad: Okay. Are you going to open - are you going to open that window or not?

063:28:07 Conrad: That's it, no. We're through with those.

063:28:09 Gordon: Yes, we're finished.

063:28:11 Conrad: Jerry, do you have any more questions on the LM? Does anybody have any more questions down here or anything they want to see?

063:28:28 Carr: No, I guess not, 12. Very good travelog, gang.

063:28:32 Gordon: We're going to start to button her up, and I'm gonna ...

063:28:39 Conrad: All right, Dick. We can ...

063:28:40 Gordon: Hey, Pete ...

063:28:42 Conrad: ...go on and button that up and then bring that camera in here and

063:28:45 Bean: I'm going to send the camera over to you right now.

063:28:48 Conrad: ...take a look at the Earth and the Moon.

063:28:49 Bean: Okay. Here. Here comes the camera, followed by me. Toot. Toot. Watch it. It's at f:20 wide open so - stop her down. There you go. [Pause.]

063:29:07 Carr: 12, Houston.

063:29:09 Bean: Okay. I'm going to close the cabin - - going to close Cabin Repress now.

063:29:13 Conrad: Stand by for a bang, Dick.

063:29:14 Gordon: Okay.

063:29:16 Bean: That's it.

063:29:18 Carr: 12, Houston. We heard the bang that time.

063:29:23 Conrad: Yes. It sounds like about a .32 going off in your ear.

063:29:30 Carr: Roger. And, Pete, on your way through there, would you give us another tunnel index reading?

063:29:38 Conrad: Okay.

063:29:44 Gordon: It was minus 0.3 the other day, Pete. I hope it hasn't changed.

063:29:48 Conrad: Fortunately, it hasn't. It's still minus 0.3.

063:29:51 Gordon: Hey, Jerry?

063:29:52 Carr: Go ahead.

063:29:54 Gordon: Hey, Jerry?

063:29:55 Carr: Go ahead, Dick.

063:29:56 Gordon: Did you see that number 1 window on the television? ...

063:29:59 Carr: That's affirmative.

063:30:01 Gordon: ...number 1 window on the television? That's what it looks like.

063:30:08 Conrad: Say, Dick.

063:30:09 Gordon: What's this thing out the window?

063:30:20 Bean: Pete, I need your damp rag. We ought to clean this CSF tunnel hatch seal. It's got a bunch of junk stuck on it.

063:30:31 Bean: Thank you. Looks like all these circuit breakers are just exactly like we left them.

063:30:40 Conrad: That makes sense.

063:30:42 Bean: Okay. Floodlight's, on; window shades, up; cabin dump valve, Open. Is it still open, Pete?

063:30:51 Conrad: Cabin dump valve is still open.

063:30:53 Bean: Okay. The IVT and press on.

063:30:58 Carr: 12, Houston. That's a real good picture of the number 1 window there.

063:31:06 Conrad: What have you got in the picture? Be careful, Charlie.

063:31:17 Carr: There is a big white thing out there. It looks like a piece of pie.

063:31:23 Gordon: Yes. That's right.

063:31:27 Conrad: Okay. Hand me the hose, Al.

063:31:29 Bean: Okay. Just double-checking all these things to make sure they were tidy. Got them?

063:31:39 Conrad: Okay, Jerry. I'll go over to the number 5 window now.

063:31:43 Carr: Roger.

063:31:48 Carr: Notice the stuff on the number 1 window is kind of linear looking. Linear striations or something.

063:31:54 Conrad: Yes. It's still open.

063:31:56 Gordon: Did you light the seal yet?

063:31:59 Conrad: Yes, I've got to finish it in just a minute.

063:32:02 Gordon: Okay. I was going to lift this hatch to you.

063:32:08 Conrad: Either the problem there, Dick, is - that television line is around Al's Comm [garble] Okay, Houston. What do you have on number 5 window?

063:32:21 Carr: Roger. We can see the Moon out there.

063:32:26 Conrad: How does it look?

063:32:28 Carr: Very, very slender segment. And it's a real good picture of it.

063:32:34 Conrad: Was the picture of the Earth any good?

063:32:36 Carr: Yes, it was pretty bright.

063:32:38 Conrad: Before?

063:32:39 Carr: Couldn't really see much except just the segment of it.

063:32:43 Conrad: Okay, I had it stopped all the way down. Hey, Dick, will you take that hose and stick it someplace? Thank you. There you go. Now watch it. Your wire is - let me go through there.

063:33:11 SC: .[laughter].

063:33:12 Bean: Looks like a snake pit. [Pause.]

063:33:23 Conrad: That ought to do it.

063:33:24 Bean: Yes.

063:33:26 Gordon: Hey. you and I are tangled up.

063:33:28 Conrad: Okay.

063:33:34 SC: .[laughter].

063:33:40 Gordon: There you go.

063:33:47 Conrad: Okay. Let me slide back down there and finish the seal off.

063:33:51 Gordon: All right.

063:33:58 Gordon: Hey, are you doing good?

063:34:00 Bean: [Garble] your feet out now.

063:34:02 Conrad: Okay.

063:34:11 Gordon: Hey, Jerry, I have the Earth again. Is that a better picture?

063:34:15 Carr: That's a much better picture. [Pause.]

063:34:29 Conrad: That landmass you're looking at there is Australia.

063:34:32 Carr: Roger. We can't ...

063:34:34 SC: ... [garble]...

063:34:35 Carr: ...determine anything on the Earth there, but it looked quite a bit more like the Earth now than it did before. It looks like you got it stopped down considerably more.

063:34:51 Carr: 12, Houston. The word is Australia is getting your TV show live.

063:34:59 Conrad: Roger. They're getting it live, and I wish they could see their landmass. It's almost right in the middle of the Earth. And they ought to recognize the snow cap of South America of the South Pole just below them.

063:35:25 SC: Oh, ho.

063:35:26 Conrad: I know it's been said before, but this is a really spectacular sight.

063:35:33 Bean: Australia is getting this live? I'd like to say hello to all my friends down there at the tracking station at Carnarvon, if they're down ...

063:35:50 Conrad: How about handing me the drogue, Al, and I'll get that ...

063:35:52 Bean: ... [garble] right now. Okay, here it comes.

063:36:07 Carr: 12, Houston. Don't forget the troops at Honeysuckle.

063:36:14 Bean: Hello to all the troops at Honeysuckle. I've been to Honeysuckle, though.

The above has been identified as Conrad not Bean and Colin Mackellar suggests that the dialogue "I've been to Honeysuckle , though." [ Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station Canberra, Australia] would make more sense being "Haven't been to Honeysuckle, though." - however the "haven't" is clipped. Listen to Colin's sound file taken from the TV on Mark Gray's Apollo 12: Ocean Of Storms DVD set.
063:36:22 Gordon: What he's saying, Jerry, He's asking for a trip.[laughter].

063:36:26 Carr: That's what I figured - to Honeysuckle.

063:36:28 Gordon: This one isn't long enough.[laughter]. This one's not long enough for him.

063:36:36 Bean: Getting that in there, Pete?

063:36:37 Conrad: Yes.

063:36:38 Gordon: Jerry, when we go back to the other side, turn to that monitor again. We may have a better picture this time.

063:36:43 Carr: Okay, Dick. [Pause.]

063:36:55 Gordon: Here's the problem, right here. Get it through here this way.

063:36:59 Conrad: Okay.

063:37:00 Gordon: And then stand like you want.

063:37:02 Conrad: Okay, very good.

063:37:03 Gordon: There you go.

063:37:04 Conrad: There we go.

063:37:05 Gordon: Stand any way you like it.

063:37:06 Conrad: Oh, there we go. [Long pause.]

063:37:20 Bean: I hope I did. Are you [garble]?

063:37:29 Carr: Okay, Dick. We're copying the Moon now.

063:37:34 Gordon: How's it look?

063:37:35 Bean: [Garble] as much as he's going to see.

063:37:36 Carr: This is even a much better shot than the last one.

063:37:45 Conrad: Well, do you see a place there you'd like to go?

063:37:53 Carr: I'd like to go anyplace there.

063:37:53 Conrad: Okay, one drogue's in, and somebody's pencil is floating by. Here you go. Is it yours, Al?

063:38:01 Bean: I'll check and see.

063:38:02 Conrad: Okay, [garble] rest of that stuff now?

063:38:05 Bean: Yes. I'll hold the camera, and you can get the ...

063:38:07 Conrad: No, no.

063:38:08 Bean: ...get the ...

063:38:09 Conrad: We're going to change stations, Jerry.

063:38:11 Carr: Roger.

063:38:15 Gordon: I'll put this circuit back under the seat where it belongs. Hey, Al, let me get up out of your way.

063:38:20 Bean: Okay.

063:38:21 Carr: 12, Houston. On that Moon shot, it looked like we could see part of the lunar surface that's in the terminator and behind the terminator.

063:38:33 Conrad: Good luck. We're having trouble doing that ourselves. [Pause.]

063:38:51 Bean: I didn't realize that waste water dump was so propulsive. That really upset us there awhile back.

063:38:57 Carr: It sure did.

063:38:59 Gordon: Did you clean that seal real good, Pete?

063:39:05 Conrad: Yes. That seal looked like the perfect dust collector or something. It was really dirty.

063:39:19 Carr: FIDO says he really appreciated that dump.

063:39:20 Conrad: Okay, [garble] put the - say again?

063:39:26 Carr: FIDO said he really appreciated that dump.

063:39:31 SC: [laughter].

063:39:35 Conrad: [Garble] the TV, Dick Gordon, and all - give you some tunnel shots again.

063:39:43 Bean: [Garble] out of the tunnel.

063:39:44 Conrad: Go back inside and bring up the f-stop a bit. [Garble] out. Refocus. Giving you some more tunnel work, Houston.

063:39:59 Carr: Okay.

063:40:02 Conrad: Dick Gordon's getting pretty fancy with that for - forward drogue. Those two exercises yesterday and - or three, I guess, counting the original one.

063:40:18 Conrad: Got to go back further around.

063:40:20 Bean: All right. Pete, go around and turn around the other way. Here, I'll hold the camera.

063:40:32 Conrad: All right. You got it?

063:40:35 Bean: I got it. There you go. Okay. Hold it out of the light.

063:40:38 Gordon: All right. Now, we're going to move down here a little bit. [Pause.]

063:40:50 Bean: After all the wrestling we've done with that probe in practice, it's really amazing to see that big thing float around in here.

063:41:00 Gordon: Beautiful piece of machinery. Seems like we're coming up on the [garble].

063:41:12 Conrad: Try your ...

063:41:13 Bean: Okay [garble] install. Probes are stowed. We're going to install a [garble] at capture latch release handle forward [garble] counter-clockwise to the cocked position. Put the probe under the drum. Pull on it. It's in there solid. And we'll put the latches in. Capture latch release handle - is in position. Capture latches are engaged, and now we'll put the installation strut on the wall.

063:42:02 Bean: Okay, we've extended the handle to the full extension. And we're going to ratchet the probe hack up in place.

063:42:09 Gordon: [Garble], you can't see the other way.

063:42:20 Conrad: Okay.

063:42:22 Gordon: Back off a little bit; it'll be ...

063:42:23 Conrad: As usual ...

063:42:25 Gordon: There you go. That's a good shot there.

063:42:32 Conrad: Hard to get a picture without a bright spot. That's why we're moving around a little bit, so we won't burn our TV camera out.

063:42:38 Carr: We got a great picture right now, and we're copying Dick ratcheting it.

063:42:45 Bean: Okay. Stowing the strut now.

063:42:58 Gordon: Okay, we've installed the probe and the ratchet handle is - and the insulation and strut are re-stowed, and the probe is loose in the tunnel just for stowage. Capture latch release handle is set and in the Lock position. And we'll verify a few little odds and ends on here. The ratchet pall is flush with the housing. Preload shaft is up into the detent, and it's against the umbilical. And we're going to leave the umbilical stowed all ready to put in the hatch. In the hatch right here.

063:44:05 Bean: Okay.

063:44:26 Gordon: And we're looking at the our side of the hatch now. [Pause.]

063:44:42 Bean: Want to get out of the way for me?

063:44:48 Gordon: There's one down.

063:45:02 Gordon: Did you stow the strut thing where it was?

063:45:05 Conrad: Yes. This time I'm learning.

063:45:09 Bean: In case our friends in Australia are wondering, we got a - of course, the top hatch on the LM, which is the first thing you saw - Pete wiped off the seal and closed it, and then he put on the drogue on the LM; although we had it stowed in here a moment ago, it fits on the LM and you put that in; and, of course, it looks like a big inverted ice cream cone. When that was complete, it hooks to attach the LM. When that was complete, then Dick got out the probe, which was attached to the command module, put it in the drogue, mated it with the drogue, and then attached it to the Command Module structure; and now he's put in the Command module hatch. When we undock around the Moon in 2 days after passing through the same passageway, Dick will be in here by himself. We'll put the same hardware in, and then when we undock, he'll end up with this hatch to keep the seal in the Command Module and the probe on the Command - on the front end of the Command Module. We'll end up with the drogue on the LM and then the LM hatch to keep the pressure seal in the LM; and this is the way we'll be for the 35 hours or so that we're apart. When we get back together, then he'll come in, dock his probe with our drogue, and just the same as we are right now. We'll remove all - both hatches and the probe and the drogue, and then we'll come back out of the LM into the Command Module. So, there's a lot of hardware, and it's heavy because the total vehicle weight right now is about 100,000 pounds, and it has to be removab1e.

063:46:55 Conrad: That's it. You can turn the tunnel lights out and that's it; it's completely done.

063:47:01 Bean: That little valve right in the center is the pressure equalization valve. If there's a difference in pressure between the LM and the Command Module, we can take that valve and open it, and it will allow the pressure to equalize, thereby allowing us to open the hatch and that's this. It's got a handle with some teeth on it. Dick really ratchets it around. It works pretty good.

063:47:29 Gordon: Jerry, I think some comments to the folks at home: We've enjoyed doing this for them. All three of us are in good spirits, we're feeling great, we've exercised and slept well, the foods been good, we have lots of nice cold water to drink, and we're sure enjoying the scenery. However, I'll tell you one thing: We do miss the good people back home.

063:47:51 Carr: Roger, Dick. It was a great show, and we really enjoyed your - our little tour down through the Lunar Module. Glad to see you guys are looking so good, and you're sounding great, and we'll be seeing you later.

063:48:06 Gordon: By-by.

063:48:08 Conrad: Very good. By-by from 12.

063:48:12 Gordon: Would you hold that a minute?

063:48:15 Bean: Gee, you really [garble].

063:48:22 Gordon: Yes, damn nice.

063:48:26 Conrad: Let's go off Vox.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. We're preparing now to advise the crew to go back to Passive Thermal Control mode now that the LM housekeeping has been completed, hatch is reinstalled, probe and drogue assembly. Total time on that let's listen. It's set up well for start PTC."

063:49:38 Carr: 12, Houston. Look's like everything's set up well for starting PTC.

063:49:46 Conrad: Okay. We don't have to do anything but crank her off. Okay?

063:49:55 Carr: Affirmative.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "Total time on the just completed TV pass was some 56 minutes even. TV came on at 62 hours, 52 minutes ground elapse time and the inter-vehicular transfer began at 63 hours, 4 minutes. We'll continue to monitor the air to ground live for a few more minutes."

063:52:53 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. Select OMNI antenna Bravo.

063:53:00 Bean: Omni in Bravo.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. It doesn't appear that the crew is going to have much more to say for the time being. Apollo 12 now 177,835 nautical miles out from Earth. Velocity now up to 1,380 feet per second. Display now shows the altitude at closest approach on the present trajectory altitude above the moon, that is, at 65.78 nautical miles. At a Ground Elapsed Time of 83 hours, 28 minutes, 38 seconds, velocity at that time, at the closest approach will be 8,235.5 feet per second. And at 63 hours, 59 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control."

064:00:43 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.

064:00:52 Carr: 12, Houston. Go. [Pause.]

064:01:16 Conrad: Hello, Houston; 12.

064:01:18 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. Go.

064:01:23 Conrad: Roger. Are you going to let us know before we go to bed tonight whether we're going to do MCC-4 or not?

064:01:37 Carr: I think we probably can, Pete. Right now it doesn't look too much like we're going to do one.

064:01:45 Conrad: Okay. We'll stand by. I just wanted to know whether we were going to know before we went to bed or not.

064:01:59 Carr: Pete, I think we can tell you before you hit the sack.

064:02:05 Conrad: Okay. Very good.

[Long comm break.]
064:07:41 Conrad: Houston, 12.

064:07:45 Carr: 12, Houston. Go.

064:07:54 Conrad: It's amazing how well you can see when you're looking at something you recognize. I got the monocular here, and I'm looking at Australia, and I can see 80-Mile Beach and the area that that's in - and, the area that Shark's Mouth Bay just south of Carnarvon's in. It's very clear over in that part of Australia right now.

064:08:15 Carr: Roger, Pete.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control; 64 hours, 38 minutes ground elapsed time. Apollo 12 now 178,717 nautical miles out from the Earth. Velocity 2,356 feet per second..."

065:49:15 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

065:49:21 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.

065:49:22 Carr: Roger. Battery B is all chuck full of electrons now, and you can terminate the charge.

065:49:30 Conrad: Roger. Thank.you.

[Long comm break.]
065:55:24 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

065:55:34 Conrad: Houston, 12. Go ahead.

065:55:40 Carr: Roger, 12. At this time it looks like - there'll be no need to schedule a Midcourse 4. Next 8 hours or so, if we have no major changes in the trajectory due to dumps or anything like that, it probably will be - a sure no Midcourse 4.

065:56:03 Conrad: Okay. It doesn't look like we'll have any dumps other than the regular urine dumps that we happen to have, but no waste water.

065:56:14 Conrad: Jim, [garble] it looks like they’re going to give us another 10 hours of sleep tonight, huh?

065:56:18 Carr: Affirm. [Long pause.]

065:56:37 Carr: You guys eating dinner now?

065:56:42 Conrad: That's affirm. Got some soup and salad, beef and gravy, butterscotch pudding, and [garble]. Yes, I guess that's about it. Somebody got a grapefruit.

065:57:02 Carr: Roger. Sounds tasty.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control; 66 hours, 38 minutes ground elapsed time. Have had very little communications with the spacecraft Apollo 12, in the last hour."

Public Affairs Office - "And that is sum total of words exchanged with Mission Control during the last hour. According to the flight plan the crew should be at this time in their eat period and going into their pre-sleep check list. 68 hours Ground Elapsed Time about an hour one-half from now or an hour and 20 minutes, they are scheduled to begin the 8-hour rest period. Flight Dynamics officer Dave Reed advised the Flight Director, Cliff Charlesworth in the last few minutes that, right now it still looks as though Midcourse number 4 will be unnecessary, but as they get additional tracking following the waste water dump, which apparently perturbed the trajectory somewhat, for another several hours and then they will have a better handle on whether or not there will be a need for the midcourse number 4 maneuver. The space digitals with the distance and velocity information is not being generated at this time and at 66 hours, 40 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control."

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control at 67 hours, 8 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. 182,011 nautical miles our from Earth. At 2,264 feet per second in velocity."

067:09:09 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

067:09:15 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.

067:09:17 Carr: Roger, Pete. It looks like your EKG indication has gone sour down here. Would you check your blue lead on your - your system there, when you get a chance?

067:09:40 Gordon: In work. He was exercised; he may have pulled it loose.

067:09:43 Carr: Okay. [Long pause.]

067:10:30 Conrad: How's it look now, Houston?

067:10:32 Carr: Loud and clear, Pete.

067:10:37 Conrad: Say again, Jerry?

067:10:38 Carr: We're reading you loud and clear, Pete.

067:10:44 Conrad: Okay. I just didn't reinstall it correctly.

067:10:55 Carr: You are now medically acceptable again.

067:11:02 Gordon: The major finally found his heart.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. That last exchange regarding the Commander’s biomedical harness reconnecting it so that the flight surgeon John Zieglschmid could observe the Commander's heart rate was a live transmission. We'll leave the circuit up for a few moments longer in case conversation resumes."

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. The line is getting quite noisy now as the spacecraft rotating 3 revolutions per hour looses lock with the ground and high gain antenna. At 67 hours, 12 minutes ground elapsed time this is Apollo Control."

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control, 67 hours, 42 minutes ground elapsed time. The spacecraft communicator Jerry Carr is talking to the spacecraft now."

067:41:55 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

067:42:00 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.

067:42:02 Carr: Roger. Are you about ready to give us a E-Mod Dump?

067:42:08 Conrad: Okay. Coming at you.

067:42:17 Carr: I've got your RCS consumables if you're ready to copy. [Pause.]

067:42:39 Gordon: Okay, Jer. Go ahead.

067:42:42 Carr: Roger. The GET, 67 plus 00, RCS total is 80.0; Alfa, 77.2; Bravo, 83.1; Charlie, 77.5; Delta, 82.2. Over.

067:43:12 Gordon: Roger. Copy.

[Comm break.]
067:45:17 Carr: Apollo 12. Houston, Were you calling? [Long pause.]

067:46:04 Carr: Apollo 12. Houston. [Long pause.]

067:46:20 Gordon: Hello, Houston; 12.

067:46:23 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. How do you read? Over.

067:46:28 Gordon: Roger; loud and clear, Jerry. I'm reading you.

067:46:30 Carr: Okay, Dick. We lost your E-Mod dump about halfway through. Would you try it again?

067:46:56 Gordon: Hello, Houston; 12.

067:46:58 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. How do you read?

067:47:10 Carr: Apollo 12, Apollo 12, this is Houston. How do you read?

067:47:17 Gordon: Roger; loud and clear. I think we're in the middle of switching over. Are you ready for my onboard readouts?

067:47:24 Carr: Affirmative, Dick. And we'll need another E-Mod dump from you, too.

067:47:33 Gordon: Okay. Here comes the E-memory. Prim Battery Charlie is 37.0; Pyro Bat Alfa, 37.1; Pyro Bat Bravo, 37.1; LM/CM Delta-P, plus 0.25. Over.

067:47:55 Carr: Roger. Battery Charlie, 37.0; Pyro Alfa, 37.1; Pyro Bravo, 37.1; Delta-P, plus 0.25.

067:48:09 Gordon: That's affirmative, and all you got to go is the water chlorination, and the crew status report is negative.

067:48:21 Carr: Roger. We're going to need a cryo stir.

067:48:27 Gordon: You've already had it.

067:48:29 Carr: Okay. And no medication, right?

067:48:35 Gordon: That's affirmative.

[Long comm break.]
067:53:01 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

067:53:08 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.

067:53:10 Carr: Roger. Would you verify that you changed canister number 6? Out.

067:53:20 Conrad: We sure did.

067:53:21 Carr: Okay ask Dick to give us a quick call. His 1ast downlink was pretty rough, and we suspect maybe it was mike position; otherwise, we might have Comm problems.

067:53:35 Conrad: He's not on the Comm right now.

067:53:37 Carr: Okay. You're sounding pretty good; it must have been his mike - and we've copied your E-Mod dump, and so that about wraps it up.

067:53:47 Conrad: Okay. We're getting ready to sack out here, and still got to chlorinate the water yet. We're still cleaning up from dinner a little bit. Do you want us to wear Biomed tonight? We prefer not to, the two that are sleeping under the couches, so that it doesn't interfere with our sleeping bags.

067:54:21 Carr: Pete, doctor says we can get along without it tonight, but they definitely want it tomorrow night.

067:54:33 Conrad: Okay. They going to make that standard procedure, they ought to rig these sleeping bags - so that you can get in there without having to leave them open.

067:54:43 Carr: Roger, Pete. The Biomed they need tomorrow night is just on you and Al.

067:54:55 Conrad: Yes, and we're the two that are sleeping in the sleeping bags under the couch.

067:54:59 Carr: Ain't that nice!

067:55:14 Carr: See you in the morning, Pete.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control with that final tuck-in message by Spacecraft Communicator, Jerry Carr. Apparently communications have ceased for the next 10 hours. The spacecraft is now 183,032 nautical miles out from Earth. Velocity 2,236 feet per second. Coming up at 68 hours, 30 minutes some 34 minutes from now will be the cross over from Earth sphere of influence to the Moon's sphere of influence. And at 67 hours, 56 minutes Ground Elapse Time this is Apollo Control."

068:58:06 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston.

068:58:13 Gordon: Houston, 12. Go ahead.

068:58:16 Carr: Roger. You about through with your dump up there?

068:58:27 Gordon: Which dump are you talking about, Jerry?

068:58:31 Carr: We're showing O2 flow a little bit high. It looks like your urine nozzle is open, and you're dumping. What we're ending up with here is ...

068:58:40 Gordon: Oh, okay.

068:58:41 Carr: ...PTC is going unstable here. It's beginning to diverge, and we figured we might as well stop it and start it over and get things squared away so there'll be no danger whatsoever of waking you guys up later.

068:58:54 Gordon: Okay. We'll stop the purge now. [Pause.]

068:59:19 Carr: Hey, Dick. What do you say we re-establish PTC here and get going good, so there will be no danger of waking you later?

068:59:27 Gordon: Okay.

[Very long comm break.]
069:16:14 Gordon: Houston, 12. How does the rate look? [Pause.]

069:16:32 Carr: 12, Houston. The rates are looking good.

069:16:37 Gordon: Okay, here we go. [Long pause.]

069:17:12 Carr: 12, Houston. You're clear to go ahead and turn it up and set your S-Band, Normal; Mode switch to Off.

069:17:24 Gordon: Roger. Good night.

069:17:26 Carr: Good night, Dick.

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control, 69 hours, 19 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 12 presently 32,099 nautical miles from the Moon, traveling at a velocity relative to the Moon of 3,542 feet per second. After the changeover in reference from Earth to Moon, numbers they now display here in Mission Control now show Moon distances, and Moon relative velocities..."

Public Affairs Office - "This is Apollo Control. That wraps up communications that took place after the rest period was scheduled to begin. This period extended to 10 hours since the Midcourse Correction maneuver number 4 is extremely likely not to take place. Meanwhile the Space Flight meteorology group of the weather bureau said this morning that weather conditions in the planned landing areas are expected to be satisfactory for the next 4 days. Ocean areas of concern should have partly cloudy to cloudy skies, winds 10 to 12 knots, seas 3 to 4 feet, temperatures in the Atlantic area in the upper 70's, temperatures in the Pacific area in the mid 80's, isolated showers in the Atlantic and widely scattered showers in the Pacific, and at 69 hours, 23 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control."

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