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2. Enterprise Architecture and Target Requirements

The HR LOB Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) models and target requirements set the standards for the SSCs and guide HR LOB efforts in compliance with OMB FEA requirements. The enterprise architecture (EA), coupled with target requirements, provides the basis for understanding commonalities across business entities, provides an opportunity for collaboration and sharing, and sets expectations for SSCs to meet requirements for HR delivery. The FEA is composed of five models developed, maintained and managed by OMB. Collectively, the models provide universal definitions and constructs of the business, performance and technology of the Federal Government. The HR LOB models serve as a foundation to help determine and define future target processes and requirements as future investments are made. They are designed to provide a Governmentwide view that will help identify duplicative investments and opportunities for collaboration within and across Federal agencies.

The most current versions of the HR LOB EA documents are available at Individual links to documents are also provided. A brief description of each model follows below:

Business Reference Model: The HR LOB Business Reference Model (BRM) is the foundation of the enterprise architecture. The BRM provides an end-to-end description of the HR business processes to describe the Federal Government. The BRM has become the acknowledged standard used by public and private entities to understanding the HR processes of the Federal Government. ( PDF document[3.1 MB])

Data Model: The objective of the HR LOB Data Model (DM) is to identify the data needed to execute the HR LOB BRM processes. The HR LOB DM is depicted at the conceptual and logical levels to describe the data in as much detail as possible, but it does not specify how the data will be physically implemented in a database. The DM will enable the Federal Government to communicate more accurately and efficiently about the structure, content and purpose of HR data by encouraging standardization of data description, data context and data sharing. ( document[3.2 MB])

Performance Model: The HR LOB Performance Model (PM) provides a framework for performance measurement and identifies a common set of HR performance measures to be used throughout the Federal Government. This framework can be used to measure human capital strategic outcomes and agency mission results. ( PDF document[1.0 MB])

Service Component Model: The HR LOB Service Component Model (SCM) identifies HR services - service components - and proposes the means for providing them to its customers - service delivery. It provides a framework and vocabulary for guiding discussions between service providers and customer agencies and is meant to be a catalyst for true cross-agency collaboration. ( PDF document[1.2 MB])

Technical Model: The HR LOB Technical Model (TM) will be developed and published during 2008. This initial version will delineate the key technical requirements for the enabling technologies that underlie HR LOB services. These requirements will provide the foundation for technology standardization and the resulting reuse of technology and service components across the Federal Government. (

The Federal Transition Framework: The Federal Transition Framework (FTF), pilot version document was published in June 2006. This document provides clear and consistent information that describes the Governmentwide IT policy objectives and cross-agency initiatives. The FTF does not create policy; rather, it provides a structure to organize and publish information. The enterprise architecture described in the above documents supports FTF objectives. The FTF document is available at: PDF document.

Additional information about the FTF is available at:

Target Requirements: In September 2007, the Target Requirements for Shared Service Centers Report, version 3.0, was published, establishing expectations of SSCs with regard to delivery of HR services and systems.

OMB and OPM have established expectations that all SSCs have to meet mandatory requirements for the core areas. SSCs may offer non-core functions; if they do, they must meet the mandatory requirements associated with the non-core areas. Critical requirements may become mandatory requirements over time. New legislation and policies may accelerate the change in requirements designation. SSCs will not be required to meet all useful requirements, but useful requirements will distinguish solutions and services in the marketplace. Over time, market forces will compel SSCs to meet useful requirements.

In order to become an approved SSC, providers will be required to pass two levels of examination:

  • Self-evaluation - SSCs will evaluate themselves against all published requirements and indicate whether they meet them or not.

  • Demonstration - SSCs will demonstrate their capabilities to meet mandatory requirements for the core areas.

The Target Requirements for Shared Service Centers Report, version 3.0, is available at

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