HR LOB Enterprise Architecture
The HR LOB is creating an Enterprise Architecture (EA) in line with the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) to assist Shared Service Centers (SSCs) and Agencies in standardizing their HR processes and technology. Each of the HR LOB EA Reference Models is created as part of a multi-agency effort. HR Subject Matter Experts have convened from across government to contribute to each of the documents. The architectures provide a blueprint for transformation of the Human Resources business function throughout the Federal Government, providing a basis for the Federal Government to rethink its approach to Human Resources management. In addition, the architectures have the potential to significantly improve the delivery of HR services and address the pressing issues facing the management and operation of the Federal Government’s Human Resources. These include:
Reference Models:
Business Reference Model (BRM)
The BRM is the foundation of the Enterprise Architecture. The BRM provides an end-to-end description of the HR business processes to describe the Federal Government around common business areas. The BRM has become the acknowledged standard used by public and private entities to understanding HR processes of the Federal Government.
HR LOB Business Reference Model (BRM) version 2 – January 31, 2006 – With Governmentwide, multi-agency participation and support, OPM updated the baseline process design for the Human Resources Line of Business.
Data Model (DM)
The objective of the HR LOB Data Model (DM) is to identify the data needed to execute the HR LOB Business Reference Model (BRM) processes. The HR LOB DM is depicted at the conceptual and logical level to describe the data in as much detail as possible, and does not specify how the data will be physically implemented in a database. The DM will enable the Federal Government to communicate more accurately and efficiently about the structure, content, and purpose of human resources data by encouraging standardization of data description, data context and data sharing.
HR LOB Data Model (DM) version 1 – February 6, 2006 – Under the leadership of the multi-agency DM workgroup, OPM completes the first ever data standards for SSCs.
Performance Model (PM)
The Human Resources Line of Business Performance Model (PM) provides a framework for performance measurement and identifies a common set of HR performance measures to be used throughout the Federal Government. This framework can be used to measure human capital strategic outcomes and agency mission results.
HR LOB Performance Model (PM) version 1 – June 30, 2006 – Under the leadership of the multi-agency PM workgroup, OPM completes the first ever performance model for SSCs.
Service Component Model (SCM)
The HR LOB Service Component Model (SCM) identifies HR services - service components - and proposes the means for providing them to its customers - service delivery. It provides a framework and vocabulary for guiding discussions between service providers and customer agencies and is meant to be a catalyst for true cross-agency collaboration.
HR LOB Service Component Model (SCM) version 2 – September 28, 2007 – Under the leadership of the multi-agency SCM workgroup, OPM updated the first ever set of service components for SSCs.
Technical Model (TM)
The HR LOB TM defines the standards, specifications and technologies of the four Service Areas for HR LOB (Service Access & Delivery, Service Platform & Infrastructure, Component Framework, and Service Interface & Integration). The TM provides agencies with a foundation to understand the standards and technologies supporting the secure delivery, exchange and construction of business (or service) components and e-Government solutions specific to the HR LOB. It provides the groundwork for re-use of technology and component services across the Federal Government through standardization.
HR LOB Technical Model (TM) version 2 – May 30, 2008 – Under the leadership of the multi-agency TM workgroup, OPM updated the first ever set of standards, specifications, and technologies for SSCs.