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Coming Events
  19th Jan
Cygnet CAN meeting
  25th Jan
Hobart Permaculture group meeting
  26th Jan
Cygnet CAN meeting
  2nd Feb
Cygnet CAN meeting
  8th Feb
Hobart Permaculture group meeting
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 Special Notices
Permaculture Design Certificate course
Currently collecting interest!

We're taking expressions of interest now from potential Design Certificate course students. If you're keen to do a PDC in Tasmania this 15-27th of Jan 2009 then please let us know ASAP by e-mailing:


The PDC is taught by a world renowned teacher in an intensive two week block and students gain a recognised qualification. Not to mention enjoying what many call a profoundly life-changing experience!

 About Us

The Permaculture Association of Tasmania is a network for the advancement of permaculture in Tasmania.

We exist to promote and support permaculture through attendance of public events, member meetings, open gardens, and workshops in order to share the skills, knowledge, and social wealth that exists within our membership. Questions about P.A.T.? Read our F.A.Q. New to permaculture? Read: What is Permaculture Design?
by Bill Mollison.

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18 minutes ago
mostly clear
Temp: 13 °C 
Rel hum: 62 % 
Dewpt: 6 °C 
1018 hPa 
Wind increasing
NNW at 3.1 mps
Copyright © 2008 by The Permaculture Association of Tasmania, Inc. All rights reserved.