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CtenatheFamily - Marantaceae
Ctenanthes are grown mostly for it's unusual foliage. Please note the yellow patches through the green leaves on the picture. They are produced only on the bright light. If ctenanthe doesn't get enough light - you will get just green leaves. Close relative to the prayer plant ctenanthe like high humidity and
warm temperatures too. They would enjoy frequent misting with warm water and wouldn't tolerate the temperature lower than 55F. You can also put the pot with ctenanthe on a tray with pebbels and water in it.
The most commonly grown ctenanthe is the one called Ctenanthe lubbersiana. They can grow pretty high producing long stalks which grow into a fork.
Use tropical soil for potting and add a little bit of leaves mold. Water it frequently enough to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy.
As ctenanthe grows older it produces new offsets which create bushy clumps. You can propagate ctenanthes by dividing those clumps. Just carefully detach one offset, put it into a small plastic pot with the same soil mixture as for older ctenanthes and water it. Another way to propagate ctenanthes - by stem cuttings. You may put the cuttings into the water to root, or just dip it into the rooting hormone and pot right into the soil. Both ways are working pretty good.
If palm tree gets the brown tips on the leaves.
If it is one of the bottom leaves - you probably have nothing to worry about. As the palm tree grows - the bottom leaves die, the new ones are coming. Just cut the bottom leaf off when it becomes unattractively dry and brown. But if it is the one from the top we are talking about - then it is a problem...
Grow palm tree in your house from seed.
I always wanted to have a palm tree in my house, just as a houseplant. When you live in a place with such cold winters as we have here in Ottawa, palm tree in a house makes the whole winter suffering a bit easier, maybe because they always associated with some warm caribbean beach in my mind...
Mealybug - the worst houseplant pest.
It all starts with little cotton-like deposit on a plant, which might be really hard to notice as it usually appears on the underside of a leaf first. If you touch it and brake that cotton shell, there will be smooth soft insect with yellowish-gray body. This little pest can cost your plant's life...
Potting soil with premixed plant food.
Everybody must have noticed those soil bags with beautiful pictures of healthy plants on them. There is a sign in the corner :"with plant food". If you look inside - you will see little green granules mixed into the soil. Use this soil carefully! ...

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Adenum or Desert Rose
African violet
Money Tree
Norfolk Island Pine
Ponytail palm
Prayer plant
Sago palm
Zebra plant