Wind Chill Chart

Wind chill temperature is defined as that temperature in calm air which provides the same chilling effect on a person as that for a particular combination of temperature and wind. The chart below allows you to estimate the wind chill temperature for a variety of temperature and wind speeds. For example, if the temperature is 35 degrees F and wind speed 15 mph do the following: 1) find 35 degrees F on the top row, 2) read down to the row with 15 mph, and 3) read the number in the intersection. In this example, the figure is 25 degrees F.

The importance of the wind chill index is as an indicator of how to dress properly for winter weather. Wind chill does not affect your car's antifreeze protection, freezing of water pipes, etc. In dressing for cold weather an important factor to remember is that entrapped insulating air warmed by body heat is the best protection against the cold. Consequently, wear loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing in several layers. Outer garments should be tightly-woven, water-repellant and hooded. Mittens snug at the wrist are better protection than fingered gloves.

Wind speeds greater than 40 mph have little additional effect on chilling. In using the table below, values of wind chill below -10 degrees F are considered bitterly cold. Values of wind chill below -20 degrees F are extremely cold -- human flesh will begin to freeze within one minute!
wind chill chart

Use the table above or the calculator below to determine wind chill temperature.

Wind Chill Calculator
Air Temperature
Wind Speed

Wind Chill Temperature:

Note: Wind chill temperatures are only defined at or below 50 degrees F and wind speeds above 3 mph. Bright sunshine can increase the wind chill temperature by 10 to 18 degrees F.