Highlights from ERF's Newsletters

(Materials reproduced here are have been modified from the print version of the newsletter.)

Winter 2005

Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
Board Votes to Rename Estuaries, Proposes New Name for Federation by the ERF Presidents
Call for Nominations for Governing Board and Scientific Awards
CESN Continues to Serve Coastal Management Community by Holly Greening, CESN Publisher
The Second National Coastal Oceans by Carl Terry, EPA Office of External Affairs


Summer 2004

Science Advocacy: The 10% Solution by Linda Schaffner, ERF President
ERF Presidents Support USCOP Recommendations by Dennis Allen, ERF Past President
It Is Time to Take a Stand by Joy Bartholomew, ERF Executive Director
NOAA, CSCOR/COP News by Rob Magnien and Carol Auer
Is the Endangered Species Act at Risk? by Johanna Polsenberg, Aid to Tom Udall (D NM)
Human Influences on Chesapeake Bay's Aquatic Resources by Vic Kennedy, ERF 05 Organizing Chair

Summer 2003

Come to Seattle for ERF 2003 by Andrea Copping, Conference Chair
Scientific Program by Charles A. Simenstad, Program Co-Chair
Committee Members Key to Conference Success by Andrea Copping
WAN Luncheon to Feature Two Seattle-Area Women by Nancy Steinberg
LTER All Scientists Meeting to Be Held in Seattle by Robert B. Waide

Spring 2003

ERF Board Focuses on Education by Dennis M. Allen
Linda C. Schaffner Receives Outstanding Faculty Award

Common Occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms in South Carolina Brackish Lagoonal Ponds by Alan Lewitus

Conference Information
Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: A Reserve for Eelgrass by Douglas Bulthuis
Moon Catchers: Artist Marvin Oliver Captures the Spirit of the Pacific Northwest by Joy Bartholomew
Student Travel Awards Available for ERF 2003
Conference Sponsors

Winter 2002/2003

A Proposed Constitutional Change in Governance Structure for a Growing Federation by Linda Schaffner
From Estuaries' Managing Editor by Stephen Threlkeld
Editors announce modification of journal's name by Stephen Threlkeld, Carlos Duarte, Scott Nixon
The Federation Speaks Out for Estuaries and Coasts by Dennis M. Allen

Conference Information
The People Behind the Program by Andrea Copping
ERF2003 Field Trips; Getting out into the Field

Student Activities at ERF 2003 by Jan Newton
ERF 2003: Science by Day, Music by Night! by Jason Toft
ERF and LTER Join Forces in Seattle by Patty Sprott
Into the BREACH: Tidal Marsh Restoration in the San Francisco Estuary by Charles Simenstad, Steve Bollens

Fall 2002

Report From the President, by Dennis M. Allen
ERF 2003 Update by Andrea Copping
Skagit Bay Assessment by Tom Dean, Zach Ferdaña, Jacques White and Curtis Tanner
Letter from the Executive Director, by Joy Bartholomew
Odum Tribute
News from Affiliates and ECSA

Summer 2002

Report From the President, by Dennis M. Allen
Scientific Program Taking Shape for ERF 2003 by Andrea Copping
Puget Sound Health Condition Upgrades
by Mary Getchell
Coastal Zone Asia Pacific Conference by Evan Chipouras
In Memorium: Jerry Williams
Member News

Spring 2002

Winter 2001

2001 ERF Business Meeting Report

Biocomplexity Initiative
Global Seagrass Workshop by Frederick Short
DIACES, PhD Registry
U.S. Comission on Ocean Policy by Adrienne Froelich
Forming a California Affiliate by Randy Brown, Wim Kimmerer, and Fred Nichols
ERF Members Honored: Nancy Rabalais and Charles Roman
NOAA News by David Hilmer

Fall 2001

Message from the President by Anne G. Giblin
ERF 2001 Co-Sponsor: About ECSA

ERF 2001 Articles

RAE National Strategy by Steve Emmett-Maddox

Summer 2001

Estuaries and Coasts' Electronic Evolution by Anne G. Giblin, ERF President
From Stephen Threlkeld, Managing Editor of ESTUARIES
TMDL's in the Tampa Bay Estuary by Anthony J. Janicki
National Strategy for Estuarine Restoration Coalesces to Restore One Million Acres of Estuarine Habitat by 2010, by David Burdick, Eugene Turner, and Michael P. Weinstein
Pew Oceans Report Cites New Approaches Needed to Fight Coastal Pollution
EPA Invites Mid-Atlantic Ecosystem Restoration Projects to be Entered into a New Inventory

Spring 2001

New Uniform Federal Policy on Research Misconduct
A Pelican Brief, by Don Boesch
Global Seagrass Monitoring
, by Fred Short
USGS Coastal Center in St. Pete
, by Kimberly Yates
In Memory of Don Heinle, by Ray Morgan
Studies on Five Pacific Northwest Estuaries Produce Results,
by Greg McMurray

Winter 2000

SCOR Symposium Nutrient Over-Enrichment in Coastal Waters: Global Patterns of Cause and Effect
Letter from the President
, by Anne E. Giblin
New ERF Educator Award: The William A. Niering Outstanding Educator Award by Linda Blum
Salt Marsh Die-Back in Coastal Louisiana, by Edward Proffitt

Fall 2000

Seagrass Restoration Varies in SW Florida's Estuaries, by David A. Tomasko
Tampa Bay--The Estuary that Works, by Joy Bartholomew

Summer 2000

From The Managing Editor, by Steven Threlkeld
NOAA Releases Report,"National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment: Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Nation's Estuaries" by Suzanne Bricker

Spring 2000

Winter 1998/1999 - HTML

Summer 1999 - PDF
Addendum - Address by Don Pritchard