U. S. Office of Personnel Management


October 1995

October 25, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- The Office of Personnel Management is issuing regulations that would allow critically-ill employees who are eligible for retirement to qualify for a lump-sum payment if their life expectancy is less than two years. [News Release]

October 19, 1995: Washington, DC--The Office of Personnel Management is issuing proposed regulations adding three new areas to the existing 27 locality pay areas established for the 1995 and 1996 locality payments for federal General Schedule employees. [News Release]

October 19, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- The Office of Personnel Management has issued final regulations on the career-conditional employment system regarding career tenure, reinstatement, transfer, and probationary period requirements. The regulations were previously contained in the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM) which was eliminated on December 31, 1994 as part of OPM's reinvention initiatives. [News Release]

October 12, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- Office of Personnel Management Director Jim King has urged Executive Branch agencies to use a combination of common sense and flexible management tools to keep government offices staffed and open during the "Million Man March" in Washington, D.C. on Monday, October 16. [News Release]

October 11, 1995: Washington, D.C. - For the second straight year, employees and retirees receiving medical benefits from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) have given their health plans high marks in terms of overall satisfaction. [News Release]

October 10, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- President Clinton has authorized time-off for federal civilian employees who face personal emergencies or are needed for emergency response in connection with the destruction caused by Hurricane Opal. [News Release]

October 3, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- Terminally-ill federal employees and former employees who have Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) now have more options in obtaining cash before death. The benefit is included in a proposal by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to allow federal employees and former employees to irrevocably assign ownership of their life insurance coverage to another individual, corporation, or trustee. [News Release]

October 2, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- The Office of Personnel Management is issuing proposed regulations governing agency relations with managerial, supervisory, professional, and other organizations that are not labor organziations. [News Release]

Updated 14 Jan 1998