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NWCG Data Administration Working Group (DAWG)

The DAWG is chartered under the NWCG Information Resource Management Working Team. The DAWG coordinates the standardization process for NWCG data standards.

The DAWG membership consists of data stewards affiliated with each of the NWCG working teams. These data stewards represent specific data areas in the wildland fire community.

Data standards are developed by the business community, under the guidance of the appropriate data steward, and routed through the DAWG for review, approval, and publication.

DAWG-related documents:

DAWG Charter Document authorizing the establishment of the NWCG DAWG and outlining the roles and responsibilities of the group and its members. [April 25, 2002]
DAWG Concept Paper Concept paper setting forth the concepts and approaches for the NWCG Data Administration Working Group (DAWG). [final version, December 19, 2001]
DAWG Membership List Listing of current DAWG members. Includes business area/working team affiliation and contact information. [current as of March 2006]

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