Gardens for Wildlife

How gardeners can help Bumblebees

How to make a house for Solitary Bees

Biodiversity Begins at Home...
Hoverfly Myathropa florea visits Achillea filipendulina


Oedomeria Beetle visits Cistus flower

Wildlife gardening does not have to mean weeds and wilderness. It's simply about choosing plants and managing your garden so that your local wildlife will feel at home. Most styles of garden can be managed in a wildlife-friendly way.

Use these pages to find the information you need to create habitat that will sustain your local wildlife.

This is an independent site, and its contents are based on my own experience as a wildlife gardener and naturalist in the suburbs of London.

I've done all the spadework, to provide you with lots of information about wildlife friendly gardening. My basics page tells you what it is all about. I've written a series of fact sheets which cover several subjects including what to plant to attract wild bees and moths, and herbs for the wildlife garden. I also give lists of recommended books and an extensive annotated bibliography, and suggest some high-quality gardens to visit. If you are reading this in the USA or Canada, there is a special North America page for you as well as a special North American books section in the bibliography.

I believe that gardens should be places of beauty. They are also the places where many people have their main interaction with wildlife, in the form of garden birds and insects. Gardens can fulfil both roles, and with increasing urbanisation, their potential to sustain biodiversity is being appreciated. All styles of garden can be managed in a wildlife-friendly way, including formal gardens.

We've done it with our garden, it's tremendously rewarding, so why not give it a try?

- Marc Carlton

About this website and its author


Fact sheets


Bumblebees and gardens

Make a Bee House

Other Gardens to


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Our Garden

My partner and I live in Penge, in the borough of Bromley in South London – if you want to visit our (private) garden, details of open days for charity are given on 'Our Garden' pages, together with a gallery of recent pictures.


Take a look at our about page for some recent pics of our mini-meadow

Woodruff, Galium odoratum

© Marc Carlton 2008. Contact