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Quinta das Abelhas

Quinta das Abelhas (Honeybee Farm) is a 2.7 hectare organic smallholding situated in the “green heart” of the Beiras region of central Portugal. Nestling in a terraced valley, we enjoy incredible views of the Serra do Açor and Serra da Estrela mountain ranges.

We moved here in May 2003 having only ever grown small amounts of veg in our back gardens, so this has been (and still is) a big adventure for us. It’s proving to be a lot of learning, a lot of hard work, and (most of the time) a lot of fun!

We offer cheap and cheerful camping and we also welcome WWOOF and other volunteers on working ‘holidays’ (free camping and meals in return for your work). Ideal for back packers, gap year students, or anyone who’d like to sample an alternative way of life and/or learn more about organic farming and low-impact living.

To stay in touch with what we’re up to here on the quinta, check out our blog (online diary) for news and updates.

We love to hear from people so please make use of the comments feature on the blog and/or email us.

Fancy helping us out? Buy us a present from our wish list!

We are members of the Pure Portugal co-operative, advertising property and holidays in Central Portugal.

We are WWOOF Independents hosts (no: POR054).

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