US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Utilizing GIS to Assess the Impact of Urbanization on Timberland Availibility in Southeastern Louisiana

Author: Hodges, Donald G.; Gunter, James T.; Swalm, Christopher M.; Regens, James L.

Date: 1998

Source: Proceedings of the 2nd Southern Forestry GIS Conference, Oct. 28-29, 1998, Athens GA, 1998

Description: This study illustrates how remotely-sensed data and GIS can be utilized to allow planners to evaluate the relationship between land use, environmental protection policies, and resource availability. The case study examines St. Tammany Parish in Louisiana which has experienced tremendous population growth and land use change in the past two decades. To date, work has been completed on developing most of the coverages. The preliminary results indicate that applying remotely-sensed data on land use change and timber production potential allows planners to identify potential areas to maintain for timber production and other resource values.


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Hodges, Donald G.; Gunter, James T.; Swalm, Christopher M.; Regens, James L.  1998.  Utilizing GIS to Assess the Impact of Urbanization on Timberland Availibility in Southeastern Louisiana.   Proceedings of the 2nd Southern Forestry GIS Conference, Oct. 28-29, 1998, Athens GA, 1998

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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