Center for Plain Language

Center for Plain Language 2008 Symposium

Plain language success stories – financial, health, and beyond

Date: November 7, 2008
Times: 1:00 - 5:00 PM; Reception 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Place: National Press Club, Washington, DC

Over the past several years, plain language has been gaining recognition as a tool for effective communication. We have seen a significant increase in the number of plain language projects. Data shows us that plain language saves both the reader and the organization responsible for the communication time and money. In this symposium, the Center for Plain Language focused on just a few examples of the progress made in recent years and the bottom-line benefits they’ve produced. We hope these examples will encourage others to commit themselves to bringing clear communications to customers.

Session 1: Financial affairs

Session 2: Health literacy

Session 3: Other success stories

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    • || Center for Plain Language · Mailing Address: 3936 Rickover Road • Silver Spring, MD 20902