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Office of Head Start skip to primary page contentActing Director Patricia Brown

Information Memorandums (IMs)—2006

E-Rate Process for Internet Access in Priority 1 and Priority 2
[Attachment for Information Memorandum] ACF–IM–HS–06–07

2006–2007 Reporting Schedule




Timeline and Comments


Step 1

Determine Eligibility

  • Federal and state laws determine eligibility.
  • Apply for Entity Number and PIN


For more information, go to:

Step 2

Develop Technology Plan

  • Tech Plan must be approved.
  • Approved Plan not required for telecommunication services only

E-rate is three-year cycle. Technology Plan is developed prior to submitting Form 471.

For more information, go to:

Step 3

Open a Competitive Bidding Process

Complete Form 470 and attachments

  • Prepare an RFP for services at each Head Start Center
  • Do NOT ask service providers for assistance with RFP or Form 470.

Deadline is January 10, 2007 for funding year 2007–2008 November to January each year. Time is based on filing window for Form 471.

For more information, go to:

Step 4

Select a Service Provider

  • Follow local purchasing law, rule and procedures.
  • Select most cost effective provider.

November to January. Occurs no less than 28 days after filing Form 470

For more information, go to:

Step 5

Calculate the Discount Level

Complete Form 471 and attachments

  • Form 471 Item 21 Attachments.
  • It is permissible to obtain assistance from service providers for Item 21 attachments.
  • Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL)
  • Deadline is February 7, 2007 for funding year 2007–2008.
  • Form 471 is completed no less than 28 days after Form 470.
  • USAC sends the applicant a Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) when the Form 471 has been successfully data entered.

For more information, go to:

Step 6

Determine Your Eligible Services

For more information, go to:

Step 7

Submit Application for Program Support

For more information, go to:

Step 8

Undergo Application Review

USAC reviews all the Form 471 documents to verify the accuracy of discount percentages and ensure that support is committed only for eligible products and services.

Applicants should carefully review the Form 471 RAL and must notify USAC of any data entry errors within three weeks of the postmark date of the RAL.

For more information, go to:

Step 9

Receive Funding Decision

USAC issues one or more Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) to both the applicant and the service provider(s).

  • Program funding commitment decisions are issued in “waves,” or regular cycles. Generally, the funding year commitment waves will run on a regular bi-weekly schedule until such time that the only remaining applications are those held for heightened scrutiny.
  • Priority One—all eligible telecommunications and Internet access services are fully funded first
  • Priority Two—eligible requests for internal connections and basic maintenance of internal connections from applicants with highest discount levels receive next priority

For more information, go to:

Step 10

Begin Receipt of Services

Complete FORM 486

  • Before USAC can pay invoices, the billed entity must confirm: the start date of services, approval of the technology plan, and compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
  • USAC will issue a Receipt of Service Confirmation Form (Form 486) Notification Letter to both the applicant and the service provider(s) upon successful data entry of the form.

Form 486 cannot be filed before receipt of a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) from USAC. The Form 486 must be postmarked no later than:

  • 120 days after the Service Start Date featured on the Form 486, or
  • Commitment Decision Letter, whichever is later.

For more information, go to:

Step 11

Invoice USA

Form 474 and Form 472

  • After eligible services have been delivered, service providers and school and library applicants may submit invoices for Universal Service Fund (USF) support.
  • FCC rules require USAC to pay universal service support to service providers and not directly to applicants. However, two invoice methods and program forms exist:

Service Provider Invoice (SPI) (Form 474)
Service providers may submit Form 474 to USAC seeking payment for services:

  • After the service provider provides the services or equipment to the applicant
  • After the billed entity submits the Receipt of Service Confirmation Form (Form 486) verifying the service start date
  • After the service provider has provided a discounted bill to the billed entity

Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form (Form 472)
The billed entity and the service provider must jointly submit the BEAR form:

  • Following the receipt of discounted eligible services
  • After the billed entity submits the Form 486

After the billed entity has paid the total amount (including the applicant’s non-discount share and the amount of USF support to be paid by USAC) to the service provider

For more information, go to:

See also:
     E-Rate Discounts Available in Select States-Apply Now! (ACF-IM-HS-06-07)