Jatropha CurcasJatropha Curcas Plant - seeds & Saplings.

Jatropha curcas plant
Jatropha Plant Source

Jatropha Curcas is acclaimed as a promising bio-fuel crop ideal to convert today's unproductive lands into tomorrow's green oil fields".
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Jatropha Plant
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Bio-diesel from Jatropha
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Jatropha Plant is considered as the best source of bio fuel among the various plant based fuel resources spread across the globe. With the depletion of the traditional fuel sources.

Jatropha Curcas is a drought resistant plant and has wide adaptability to varied climate and soil. The Seeds of Jatropha Curcas contain viscous oil of about 28 to 35 % by its weight. The oil which is extracted from the seeds using a expeller is then trans-esterified to convert it into bio diesel fuel which can be used as a substitute for fossil fuel.

The demand of oils as an energy source has been rapidly increasing and the mismatch between the demand and supply of oil seeds has initiated various stakeholders in the form of farmers, agro based industries, corporate sectors and, NGO's to go for large scale plantations with Jatropha Curcas as a commercial oil crop.

The various other uses of Jatropha other than bio fuel source includes soap production, Organic fertilizer, Medicinal Source, Pest control, etc. This makes Jatropha Plant a unique crop among the various bio fuel plant sources.

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