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Webcast: Considering Conversion

OHS webcastLearn about converting from Head Start slots to Early Head Start slots on January 15, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. EST.

A Head Start on Picturing America

A Head Start on Picturing AmericaA Head Start on Picturing America introduces Picturing America artworks to children and families. The Resource Guide includes suggestions for children's interactions with the artworks. A video shows one Head Start program’s experiences in hosting a Family Night at the Museum event.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)

CLASS manualThe Office of Head Start is offering an on-demand presentation of its Webcast discussion on the regionally-based trainings being conducted on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) instrument.

Head Start Reauthorization

Head Start logoRead and download Head Start Act; ask OHS a question about the new Head Start Act and find answers to submitted questions.

Head Start Risk Management Process

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Read what grantees are saying about the process.

Head Start logoThe Office of Head Start invites Grantees to submit comments about their experience with Risk Management meetings. Comments may be selected for publication on ECLKC.

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