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January 16, 2009

All things presidential

Lincon's Top Hat

2009 is upon us. The last year has seen major changes. For us here at the museum, being open again is certainly among the largest! As a country we’re approaching a change of historic proportions—where one administration will leave office and another will take its place. On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama will be sworn in as the forty-fourth President of the United States.

If you’re planning on coming to witness the swearing-in or parade be sure to stop by and get warm while you take in some of the sights. We’ve put up answers to the most common questions we’ve received regarding visiting on Inauguration Day. You’ll be in good company—historical interpreters will be on hand portraying past presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. If you’re interested in exhibitions that relate to the presidency or the inauguration you might want to seek out the following:

Dan Hoerr is new media assistant at the National Museum of American History.


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