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The Office of Foundation Relations provides the following services and assistance:

RFP distribution: Foundation Relations serves as a clearinghouse for requests/calls for proposals (RFPs) from private foundations. We track and distribute these RFPs to research deans and others.

Research foundations: We work with development and other staff to research foundation options. After an initial search by faculty or staff, the Foundation Relations staff searches and identifies prospective foundations. We provide information from our databases and subscription services, as well as information on existing relationships or requests. (Purdue faculty and staff can register free to use the Community of Science search at www.cos.com.)

Consultation: We can assist development officers, faculty and senior University officials in formulating effective approaches to foundations.

Facilitate collaboration: Our office convenes groups of representatives from across the University around discussions of projects and foundation prospects.

Proposal development: We work with faculty and senior University officials to develop proposals that will suit expressed foundation interests including: advice on proposal development, assistance with developing a letter of inquiry, identifying strategies on approaching foundations, sharing University protocols for proposal submission and suggesting good stewardship/reporting practices.

Required proposal attachments: Foundation Relations can provide copies of the following required proposal attachments.

  • IRS Determination letter 501(c)(3) and 509(a) status
  • Audited financial statements
  • Board information
  • Budget and indirect costs

Budget and indirect costs: Foundation Relations works with Sponsored Program Services (SPS) and the unit’s budget office on the budget and indirect costs. Most foundations post the indirect cost rate that they allow to be charged.

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University Development · Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center · 403 West Wood Street · West Lafayette, IN 47907-2007
(765) 494-2727 · (800) 677-8780 (toll free) · gifts@purdue.edu
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