Women's Environmental Network Educating, empowering and informing women and men who care about the environment. Campaigning on environmental and health issues from a female perspective.
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Caroline Fernandez Project Co-ordinator
Christine Haigh
Campaigns and Policy Officer


Contacts beyond WEN
  Networks - Advice & Support - Suppliers - Finding Local Food Producers

BEN (Black Environment Network)
Supports and networks groups and organisations who wish to work with black and minority ethnic groups. Has developmental projects in England, Scotland and Wales. T: 01286 870 715

BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers)
Conservation organisation. Information on local groups, volunteering opportunities, training, conservation holidays etc.
Email: information@btcv.org.uk T: 01491 821600

CPRE Campaign for the Protection of Rural England
Information on planning and land use advice.

Chapter 7/The Land is Ours
Produces a magazine on a subscription basis on planning and land rights campaigns in Britain.
The Potato Store, Flaxdrayton Farm, S Petherton, Somerset TA13 5LR
Email: chapter7@tlio.org.uk T:
01460 249204

Common Ground
Links art and the environment; nature with culture. Promotes Apple Day.
T 01747 850820

Community Composting Network
A national network promoting the environmental, social and economic benefits of community composting and waste management.
Email: info@communitycompost.org T: 0114 258 0483

Confederation of Indian Organisations Supporting South Asian Orgs. in the UK
Runs health projects and capacity building projects.
5 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7XW
Email: headoffice@cio.org.uk T: 020 7928 9889

Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens
Supports, promotes and represents city farms and community gardens
Email: admin@farmgarden.org.uk T: 0117 923 1800

Genetic Engineering Network
The only UK based info exchange point, GEN supports and facilitates local campaigns; providing info for action. Produces bimonthly newsletter Genetix

GM Freeze
Campaign calling on the Government for a Freeze on the commercial use of genetically engineered plants and animals.

London Community Recycling Network
A support service for community composters and home composters in 11 London boroughs. Offers advice about home composting, funding/ABPR compliance for community projects, and runs a volunteer project with training.

London Food Link
Runs a network of organisations and individuals with members as diverse as farmers, food writers, caterers and community food projects who care about sustainable food. Its main aims are to increase the availability of sustainable food in London, to tackle the barriers preventing access to healthy and sustainable food for all Londoners and to protect and celebrate London's diverse food culture.

National Association of Councils for Voluntary Service (NACVS)
Contact them to find out you nearest local CVS office. T 0114 2786636

Permaculture Association
Membership organisation providing information, contacts and research on permaculture
and runs email info lists.
Email: office@permaculture.org.uk T: 0845 4581805 (local rate)

Primal Seeds
A network engaged in protecting biodiversity and creating local food security. Information on why growers set up seed exchanges.

The Soil Association
Information campaigning and certification on all aspects of organic food and farming. Email: info@soilassociation.org T: 0117 314 5000

Sustainable Production in Active Neighboughoods (SPAN)
Five partner organisations (including WEN) are working together to promote and develop local food growing.

Stiftung Interkultur
An organisation based in Germany networking multi cultural gardens around Europe.

Campaigns for sustainable food and farming.
Email: sustain@sustainweb.org T: 020 7837 1141

Gardening and horticulture for training, therapy and health.
Email: info@thrive.org.uk T: 0118 988 5688

Tree Council
Promotes the planting and conservation of trees. Organises National Tree Week. T 020 7407 9992

Wholesome Food Association
A network of growers, processors, suppliers and distributors of authentic locally grown wholesome food. T 01237 441118

Advice & Support 

Agroforestry Research Trust
The Agroforestry Research Trust researches into temperate agroforestry and into all aspects of plant cropping and uses, with a focus on tree, shrub and perennial crops. Email: mail@agroforestry.co.uk

Allotments Regeneration Initiative (ARI)
Supports good practice in allotment regeneration and produces good factsheets and regular newsletter. T 0117 9631551

Biodynamic Agricultural Association
Supports promotes and develops the biodynamic approach to farming gardening and forestry.
Email: office@biodynamic.org.uk T: 01453 759501

CAT The Centre for Alternative Technology
Provides information, educational services and residential courses on sustainable technologies. Email: info@cat.org.uk T: 01654 705950

Community Composting Network
A national network promoting the environmental, social and economic benefits of community composting and waste management.
Email: info@communitycompost.org T: 0114 258 0483

The Composting Association
Membership organisation representing composting industry, quarterly newsletter.

Elm Farm Research Centre
Aims to change agricultural practice and policy to bring about a greater uptake of organic farming as a way of contributing towards sustainability in farming and land use. E-mail: elmfarm@efrc.com T: 01488 658298

Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens
Supports, promotes and represents city farms and community gardens
Email: admin@farmgarden.org.uk T: 0117 923 1800

FLAIR (Food and Local Agriculture Information Resource)
A partnership project led by f3. f3 - the Foundation for Local Food Initiatives - is a not for profit organisation providing consultancy services to the local food sector.

The Food Commission
Campaigns for healthier, safer food. Publishes the Food Magazine.
Have also launched a website aimed at 11-14 year olds which will be of interest to many adults. Chew on this website: www.chewonthis.org.uk
Email: enquiries@foodcomm.org.uk

Food up front
Partners with the people of Greater London to promote and initiate the use of front gardens and balconies to grow and share healthy, natural food. This will reduce food miles and dependency on supermarkets, whilst increasing self-reliance and community empowerment.

Friends of the Earth
Inspires solutions to environmental problems which make life better for people.Their Real Food Campaign is working towards greener farming and a five year ban on genetically modified food.
T 020 7490 1555

Garden Organic formerly HDRA (Henry Doubleday Research Association)
Organic membership organisation providing information, advice, consultancy and much more. Good information on how to compost.
Email: enquiry@hdra.org.uk T: 02476 303517

Grow Your Own Grub
A step by step growing project for schools developed and supported by Portsmouth City Council.

Herb Society
An educational charity providing information about herbs.
Email: email@herbsociety.co.uk T: 01295 768 899

Pesticides Action Network UK
Gardening tips and information about the hazards of pesticides and alternative methods of pest control.

Royal Forestry Society of England Wales and Northern Ireland
Charity furthering the understanding and appreciation of trees, woods and forests.

Royal Horticultural Society
Education programmes, shows, gardening information and training.
Email: info@rhs.org.uk Telephone 020 7834 4333

Slow Food
Founded in Italy in reaction to the growth of the fast food culture.
Email: internationalinfo@slowfood.com T: 01844 339 362

Stop GM Contamination
Part of Friends of the Earth's Real Food webpages.

Website dedicated to the issue of sustainable food, by the Environmental Practice at Work Publishing Company.

Gardening and horticulture for training, therapy and health.
Email: info@thrive.org.uk T: 0118 988 5688


Chiltern Seeds
On-line seed catalogue. Email: info@chilternseeds.co.uk T: 01229 581137

Community Composting Network
A national network promoting the environmental, social and economic benefits of community composting and waste management.
Email: info@communitycompost.org T: 0114 258 0483

Living Soil
Provides all natural, probiotic-based products for home and garden, human health, agriculture, waste and septic treatment, and environmental sustainability.

The Organic Directory
A free, comprehensive listing of organic suppliers.

Organic Gardening Catalogue
Official catalogue of garden Organic. Joint venture with Chase Organics.
Email: chaseorg@aol.com T: 01932 253666

Plants For A Future
A resource centre for edible and other useful plants, with a database of
7000 useful plants.
Email: webweaver@pfaf.org Electronic mailing list T: 01208 872 963/01208
873 554

The Recycle Works
Sells compost bins, shredders, worm bins etc.

Wiggly Wigglers
website company selling wormeries, worms composters etc.


Finding Local Food Producers

Big Barn
Find your local food producers.
Email: postmaster@bigbarn.co.uk T: 01234 871580

Country Markets Ltd
Email:info@country-markets.co.uk T: 01246 261508

London Farmers' Markets
Email: info@lfm.org.uk T: 020 7704 9659

National Association of Farmers Markets
Promotes existing markets and assists in the formation of new ones.
Email: nafm@farmersmarkets.net T: 01225 787914

PO Box 30626, London E1 1TZ Tel 020 7481 9004 Email food@wen.org.uk