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The Inside Story


Graphic including photograph of Cassandra Chandler and FBI SealWhat does an FBI Executive say to a conference full of former FBI Agents who want to know the inside scoop on today's operations?

She says a lot--and she says it straight from the heart.

On April 23, Public Affairs executive Cassandra Chandler addressed members of the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, who were in town to inaugurate a Research Center for Law Enforcement. She pulled no punches on subjects as diverse as fingerpointing, negative reports on FBI capabilities, FBI operations, media coverage of the FBI, and FBI culture. She talked about cases and statistics. About intelligence reports and "Fly Teams." About the extraordinary transformation of the FBI to address complex, interrelated global threats in a post 9-11 world.

"We have made great progress in the war against terrorism, while continuing to significantly impact transnational organized crime, corporate fraud and more. But, we have not made similar progress in getting the message out to the public. The American people need to understand the changes we have made, the work we are doing, and the dangers we still face."

What's her take on FBI "culture"?

"Every time I read quotes or hear comments that the FBI's "culture must change" or "can the culture change?" I cringe. Do you know that the first definition of "culture" is in the Webster dictionary? Culture is defined as "the quality in a person that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellence in manners and other qualities." The culture of the FBI is a commitment to fidelity, bravery and integrity. The culture of the FBI is now and has always been one of hard work and a dedication to protecting this country. There is no need to change that."

What's her take on disclosure to the American people?

"We must work with the media to get more information out. Whether it is a message about suspected terrorists, potential threats, or about the changes we have made to keep America safe. We have an obligation to inform the public." ...Only an informed public can make rational judgments as to whether the FBI is up to the task. Only an informed public will be secure in their confidence in the FBI's ability to get the job done."

What about FBI employees--are they up to the task?

"They are extraordinary men and extraordinary women who, despite the fires of adversity, still achieve extraordinary goals and conquer extraordinary obstacles."

And believe us, as Assistant Director for FBI Public Affairs, she should know.

Links: Read the complete speech.

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