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August 2004


August 2003 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin coverWe've just posted the most recent issue of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin and thought you might be interested in taking a peek. Some highlights of articles drafted by and for law enforcement to keep police on the cutting edge of trends, issues, and findings:

  • Homicidal poisoners --a demographic analysis.
    This study analyzes Supplementary Homicide Reports from the 1990s as a first step to crystallizing a "profile" of the poisoner type. While the poisonings differed widely, the analysis generally showed: young white males (ages 20-34) poison young/middle aged white males and females. They prefer drug/narcotics 75% over chemical agents. And they mostly poison people outside their family (63% of the time). Details inside.
  • Focus on the illegal drug "khat"--also called miraa, chat, jat, oat, kat, African salad, and Abyssinian tea.
  • Assisting Crime Victims Who Cope with Trauma by Identifying with the Aggressor--familiarly known as "Stockholm syndrome" from a bungled bank robbery in 1973 Sweden when hostages helped their captors thwart the police. This article asks law enforcement to factor this coping mechanism into the victim services it provides to ensure that victims make a healthy recovery.
  • Safeguarding American borders--an analysis of U.S. law that permits broad search authority at borders to protect the public.

As always, interesting and practical pieces for some 250,000 professionals, everyone from the cop on the beat to the Director of an agency.

And it's interesting to note that this week The Law Enforcement Bulletin celebrates its 72nd year of publication--the 72nd year of its "effort to amplify and render of increased value the current exchange of criminal identification data among the United States Bureau of Investigation and law enforcement officials in this country and abroad."

Those are the exact opening words, back on September 1, 1932, of Volume 1, Number 1 of this venerable channel of law enforcement communication. Many things have changed since 1932, but not this. To protect America, we will continue in all ways possible "to amplify and render of increased value the current exchange of criminal identification data among the [FBI] and law enforcement officials in this country and abroad."

Links: The Law Enforcement Bulletin Index

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