Welcome to Sow & Grow Organics

Hello, we are Jenny Hall and Keith Griggs, otherwise known as Sow and Grow Organics.

  • We are a local organic vegetable box scheme that sells within 3 miles of the farm in the villages of Billinge and Orrell, in between Wigan and St Helens. See where we are.
  • We aim to be a national demonstration of low-carbon farming through growing green manures like clover.
  • Jenny is an accomplished writer and has produced “Growing Green” (aimed at organic vegetable enterprises) and “Organic Alice”, a series of children’s books (pre-school and Key Stage 1) about how organic farming works. She is in the process of writing a book for gardeners and allotment holders and is considered a leading expert in community food growing.
  • Keith has been in farming all his life and has supported many entrants into organic farming with buying and maintaining machinery.
  • We have a young daughter Alice who keeps us on our toes and is already a keen vegetable grower.
  • Please enjoy our short film which was produced by www.clearpresentations.com on behalf of Food Northwest www.foodnw.co.uk.