Welcome to WWOOF Sweden

WWOOF is an exchange program. In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

WWOOF organisations links people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

- The most diligent time to wwoof in Sweden is  between April to late October. If you want to make sure your host’s are not fully booked when you would like to arrive, make sure to contact them  right away!

A handfull of hosts even welcome wwoofers during the winter. The list has a new design, have a look!

WWOOF farms in Sweden

Click the map to view the full list for a specific region.

För information på Svenska klicka här: Svenskt Informationsblad. 

Dec 19 2008 New website!
Nov 18 2008 European Social Forum
Nov 03 2008 New Website
Jul 23 2008 Finding a Host