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Data and Statistics
Crops County Data Files

Data files are in Comma-Separated Value, CSV, format and contain Planted, Harvested, Yield, and Production for the total crop and do not include irrigated/non-irrigated cropping practice data. Check the frequently asked questions section for additional information.

Crop Year 2005

Compressed file containing all available crops for current year.

Also See

Crop Acreage & Yield Maps

Access additional data including cropping practices from the Quick Stats Agricultural Statistics Data Base

  Saving files: If data comes back to your screen after you select a crop, you can save the file by selecting File/ Save as... Alternatively, you can hold down one of the shift keys and click on a crop, or you can right click over a link to save the link as...

Read the following if you are having problems opening or using the above files.

Many different spreadsheet programs such as Excel and data base programs such as Access, will open or import "CSV" files directly into the application without any special handling. Sometimes it is necessary to change the File Type that is being opened to CSV from the default file type for the application.

Below is an example of opening the file using Lotus 1-2-3. The process is similar with other spreadsheet applications.

Using Lotus for Windows

In the Open a File dialog box, change the file type to Text.
Select the drive and directory where the data files are located.
Click on Text Options and select "comma" in the Separator window. Click OK.
When you return to the Open a File dialog box, Click OK.
The data should now be in columns.


Last modified: 12/30/05

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