Plants For A Future Logo Contact Details
Registered Charity No. 1057719

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You can use this page to add a link to an website.


Links should be relevant to the interests Plants For A Future website and all link submissions will be moderated. Typical links we accept are:

  • Links to permaculture projects, communities and eco-villages
  • Links to resources on sustainable agriculture or novel growing systems
  • Links to resources about trees and agroforestry
  • Links to pages about seadsaving/rare plants and heritage seeds
  • Links to pages about wild plants, foraging and wilderness issues
  • Links to pages about non food/medicine uses of plants
  • Links to pages about herbs and medicinal plants. Note we do not, in general, include links for specific commercial herbal remedies.
  • Links to plant databases
  • Links to botanical resources
  • Links to ethonbotanical information
  • Mailing lists/forums/newsgroups on above topics

We also accept a limited number of links to the following

  • Organic gardening
  • Green building
  • Alternative energy
  • Low impact living
  • Vegan issues
  • Genetic Modification
  • Other green and environmental resources
In general the links to these sections should be of high quality, provide good starting places for further exploration.

We generally do not accept:

  • Links to sites which operate reciprocal link policies.
  • Links to herbal remedies
  • Links to medicinal practitoners
  • Links to commercial sites with no plant information
We do accept some links to commercial plant suppliers, however these should offer plants which are not easily available, grown using organic/veganic methods, useful plants rather than just ornamentals.

We also accept links to books suppliers on the above topics and some suppliers of unusual tools and equipment.

All links will be moderated and information supplied will be covered by a creative commons licence which will allow the information to be used by other sites. In particular the project. Details of links are available through an xml format.

Submission form

Country where project is based:
Some of the links are sorted by Continent, Country and County this will help readers find
North America
Central America
South America

Counties, States, Regions
(Use US state code for US)
Other Address Info (optional)
Zip/Post Code


Links are grouped into the following sections. tick as many boxes as apply, or add your own tag.

Permaculture  Organics  Sustainable Agriculture  Woodland Gardening  Agroforestry  General Gardening  Farming  Urban Permaculture  Vegan organics  Permaculture Design 
New section: 
Trees and Woodlands  Wild Plants  Wild Food/Foraging  Rare Plants/Heritage Seeds  Compost  Soil  Water/Wetlands  Wildlife/Conservation  Bio-diversity  Wilderness   Drylands  Hydrology  Reedbeds  Traditional Plant Uses  Ally Cropping  botanical illustration  Ponds  Swales  Bee plants  Reforestation  Hemp  Tree nursary 
New section: 
Plant Uses:
Trees  Edible Flowers  Root crops  Perennials  Herbs and Medicinal Plants  Soaps  Dyes  Fibres  Non Food Crops  New Crops  Coppicing  Fruit Crops  native plants  Biomass  Hedging  Fungi  Oil crops  House plants 
New section: 
Green Building  Low impact living  Sustainable living  Wildcraft  Appropriate Technology  Animal Rights  Other Green Groups  Other Environmental  Health Issues  Spiritual  Yoga  Cornwall/South West Activists  Blagdon Cross local area  Comunity composting  Gardening Tools 
New section: 
Vegan  Raw Food  Food Issues  Genetics/GMO  Landrights  Public Domain  Local Food  Climate Change  Agriculture  Vegetarian  Environment 
New section: 
Run Courses  Open To Public  Volunteering  Apprenticeships  Journal/Newsletter  Research  Confrences  Networking  Training  Consultancy  Talks 
New section: 
Comercial Activities:
Books Stores/Publishers  Plant Suppliers  Plant Suppliers (Organic)   Seed Suppliers  Gardening Tools  Herb/Medicinal Suppliers  Sustainable plant products  Farmers Markets  Other commercial  Buisness services  Garden Design  Individual books 
New section: 
Photo Gallerys  Plant Databases  Directories/Listings  Mailing lists/Forums  News Sites  Botanical Information  Ethnobotany  Flora  Blogs  Wiki  Litrature review  recipe site 
New section: 
Orginisations types:
Co-ops  Communities  Eco-villages  Charities  Non Profit Groups  City Farms/Community Gardens  Academic  Govenmental  NGO  Political  Campaining  Networks  Collective  Quango 
New section: 
Specific Plants
If the links refers to a specific plant enter the Botanical species, genus or family names (one per line)

Submitter name
Submitter email
This will be used to inform you on result of moderation, it will not be displayed

Prove your not a bot

Due to the large quantities of spam links we need to do the following test to prove your a human. Note to spammers, all links are moderated before approval, so there is zero chance of your spam appearing.

Latin nameCommon nameFamily
Sparganium erectumBur ReedSparganiaceae
Calochortus gunnisoniiMariposa LilyCalochortaceae
Daphne gnidiumFlax-Leaved DaphneThymelaeaceae
Quercus muehlenbergiiYellow Chestnut OakFagaceae
Ranunculus arvensisCorn ButtercupRanunculaceae

Enter the family for Calochortus gunnisonii

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. You can copy, distribute, display this works and to make derivative works but: Attribution is required, and it's Share Alike (GNUish/copyleft) i.e. has an identical license. We also ask that you let us know ( if you link to, redistribute, make a derived work or do anything groovy with this information.