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Regulatory Issue Summaries

Regulatory Issue Summaries - 2008

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Document Number Date Title
RIS 08-32 12/30/08 Interim Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage At Reactor Sites
RIS 08-31 12/01/08 Licensing Requirements for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
RIS 08-30 12/16/08 Fatigue Analysis Of Nuclear Power Plant Components
RIS 08-28 12/01/08 Endorsement Of Nuclear Energy Institute Guidance For Reactor Vessel Head Heavy Load Lifts
RIS 08-27 12/08/08 Staff Position on Extension of the Containment Type A Test Interval Beyond 15 Years Under Option B of Appendix J of 10 CFR Part 50
RIS 08-26 10/29/08 Clarified Requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 50.54(Y) when Implementing 10 CFR Section 50.54(X) to Depart from a License Condition or Technical Specification
RIS 08-25 10/22/08 Regulatory Approach for Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds in Pressurized Water Reactor Primary Coolant System Piping
RIS 08-24 10/03/08 Security Responsibilities of Service Providers and Client Licensees
RIS 08-23 10/03/08 The Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Domestic Threat Reduction Program & Federally Funded Voluntary Security Enhancements For High-Risk Radiological Material
RIS 08-22 10/06/08 Notification Of Licensees Regarding Aircraft Threats
RIS 08-21 09/02/08 Issuance of LIC-109, “Acceptance Review Procedures”
RIS 08-20 08/20/08 Redesignation of Safeguards Advisory for Operating Power Reactors
RIS 08-19 08/28/08 Lessons Learned from Recent 10 CFR 70 License-Transfer Application Reviews
RIS 08-18 08/14/08 Information on Requests for Extending Use of Expiring Transportation Packages
RIS 08-17 07/18/08 Voluntary Security Enhancements for Self-Contained Irradiators Containing Cesium Chloride Sources
RIS 08-16 06/27/08 Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
RIS 08-15 06/25/08 NRC Staff Position on Crediting Mitigating Strategies Implemented in Response to Security Orders in Risk-Informed Licensing Actions and in the Significance Determination Process
RIS 08-14 06/16/08 Use of Tormis Computer Code for Assessment of Tornado Missile Protection
RIS 08-13 06/16/08 Status and Plans for Implementation of NRC Regulatory Authority for Certain Naturally Occurring and Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material
RIS 08-12 05/09/08 Considerations for Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste by Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees
RIS-08-11 05/12/08 Precautions To Protect Children Who May Come In Contact With Patients Released After Therapeutic Administration Of Iodine-131
RIS-08-10 12/22/08 Supplement 1, Notice Regarding Forthcoming Federal Firearms Background Checks
RIS-08-10 05/13/08 Notice Regarding Forthcoming Federal Firearms Background Checks
RIS-08-09 03/24/08 Notice of Revision to Criteria for Nominating Materials Licensees for Discussion at the Agency Action Review Meeting
RIS-08-08 03/19/08 Endorsement of Revision 1 to Nuclear Energy Institute Guidance Document NEI 06-04, “Conducting a Hostile Action-based Emergency Response Drill
RIS-08-07 03/27/08 Dose Limit for Patient Release Under 10 CFR 35.75
RIS-08-06 03/06/08 Protection Against the Malevolent Use of Vehicles When Utilizing Landform Obstacles
RIS-08-05 02/27/08 Lessons Learned to Improve Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria Submittal
RIS 08-04 02/28/08 Discontinuation of Two Performance Indicators Associated with the Security Reactor Oversight Process
RIS-08-03 02/13/08 Return/Re-use of Previously Discharged Radioactive Effluents
RIS-08-02 02/01/08 Actions to Increase the Security of High Activity Radioactive Sources
RIS-08-01 01/10/08 Process for Scheduling Acceptance Reviews Based on Notification of Applicant Submission Dates for Early Site Permits, Combined Licenses, And Design Certifications and Process for Determining Budget Needs For Fiscal Year 2010

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Monday, January 12, 2009