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Opening Doors to Community Service

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Videos for  loan:

Everyday Heroes:  A real life look at youth, race and national service.  This     documentary feature film tells the story of a 21 member AmeriCorps team working as tutors, mentors and health educators with K-12 students in Richmond, Berkeley and Oakland, California.  Produced by Rick Goldsmith and Abby Ginzberg.

AmeriCorps: Persons with Disabilities, Getting Things Done:  A 13 minute video that shares the testimonies of four AmeriCorps members with disabilities.  Sara, who is blind, volunteers with pre-school.  Willie, who has cerebral palsy, volunteers with senior citizens.  Collin, who is deaf, volunteers with a home remodeling program for low income housing, and Mark, who uses a wheel chair for mobility, is involved with building wheel chair ramps as an AmeriCorps member.

For more information contact Kathy Bean