Permaculture Association (Isle of Man)

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Permaculture Association (Isle of Man)

The aim of the Permaculture Association (Isle of Man) is to educate and inform on issues of true sustainability.

Established in 1998, by some of those attending the first permaculture design course held on the Isle of Man, The Permaculture Association (Isle of Man) was registered as an Isle of Man Educational Charity (No. 795) in 2000. Yurt

The founding of the charity and its ongoing work would not have been possible without the support of its main benefactor; Mrs Dobby. Her initial gift allowed the association to purchase a yurt classroom and its original library of permaculture related books.

The association’s objects as defined in its constitution are:
a) To advance public education in Permaculture, sustainability and related subjects.
b) To carry out research into Permaculture, sustainability and related subjects, and to publish and disseminate the results of such research with or without charge.

The Isle of Man Permaculture Association is based upon permaculture principles and rests on the fundamental ethical tenets of:

Rocket Stove Earth Care

Permaculture as a design system is based on natural systems. It is about working with nature, not against it - not using natural resources unnecessarily or at a rate at which they cannot be replaced. It also means using outputs from one system as inputs for another (vegetable peelings as compost, for example), and so minimising wastage.

People Care

People Care - Just having fun

People care is about looking after us as people, not just the world we live in. It works on both an individual and a community level. Self-reliance, co-operation and support of each other should be encouraged. It is, however, important to look after ourselves on an individual level too. Our skills are of no use to anyone if we are too tired to do anything useful! People care is also about our legacy to future generations.

Fair Shares

The fair shares part of the permaculture ethic brings earth care and people care together. We only have one earth, and we have to share it - with each other, with other living things, and with future generations. This means limiting our consumption, especially of natural resources, and working for everyone to have access to the fundamental needs of life - clean water, clean air, food, shelter, meaningful employment, and social contact.”

Site Content © Permaculture Association (Isle of Man)
Website © Louisa Bawden