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Coppice Products for you Naturally

Many British broad leaved trees can be cut down to the stump. They re-grow producing multiple stems called poles. These poles can be harvested approximately every 8 years into a wide range of products.

Wessex Coppice Group

Mission Statement

To encourage economic growth in the hazel coppice industry through marketing, training and public awareness whilst sustaining the landscape and ecological value of the woodland resource.


- Maximise rural employment opportunities and business opportunities.

- Increase the area of quality coppice in rotation.

- Sustain landscape and ecological value of the resource.

- Create new markets and awareness of woodland product range.



- Provide marketing and sales support to improve the quality and range of products and service to customers.

- Develop programmes of training in woodland crafts and business skills.

- Provide a support network for craftsmen.

- Act as a focus for the industry.

- Increase the Public appreciation of the industry.

- Find markets for low grade hazel coppice.

- Create sustainable rural economic development.


Why the Wessex Coppice Group is needed?

- The hazel coppice industry is an ancient one, with woven screens dating back to - 5,000 BC. However many traditional markets have been lost in the last 50 years.

- The networks between landowners, coppice craftsmen and markets have been broken.

- Markets are seasonal and often fall victim to recession.

- Hazel coppice woodland has many ecological and landscape values that need protecting.

- A business development initiative is required.

- Harmony must be maintained between the markets, training and the amount of good quality in cycle hazel coppice.

- Many species of British flora and fauna have developed under the coppice management system and are found in working coppice.

- To protect them and our heritage coppice must be kept in rotation.