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 Om Mani Padme Hum

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Buddhafield 2009: TRUTH AND BEAUTY: skilful living in a changing world


2009 Retreats Programme

Frog Mill Appeal

Buddhafield Festival 2009 Dates

FWBO Buddhafield Trustees Report and Financial Statements for 2007

Buddhafield Cafe wins Silver "Green Traders Award" at Glastonbury 2008


"Life is fleeting, life is transient, but life is also beautiful"

"Beauty is that which demands, from moment to moment, a fresh transformation of our lives. Beauty is not merely truth, but goodness as well."

"It is our mind, and that alone, that chains us or sets us free."
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

"Let us reflect on what is truly of value in life, what gives meaning to our lives, and set our priorities on the basis of that."
The 14th Dalai Lama

In challenging times, how do we know how best to act? According to Buddhist tradition, the great key to positive living lies in the intention behind our actions. The more we act from contentment, love and awareness, the more 'skilful' our behaviour becomes, creating happiness for ourselves and benefiting others.

The Buddhist world, in all its colourful diversity, shares five common 'training principles' for skilful living: the conscious cultivation of kindness, generosity, contentment, truthfulness and mindfulness as the most beautiful, most authentic expressions of our humanity.


The Vajra is the Buddhist symbol of invincible, irrepressible energy. Vajrasattva is the 'Vajra being' of truth. He holds the Vajra and the Bell which represent wisdom and compassion and the integration of all opposites. Vajrasattva symbolises our deepest nature unsullied by the illusion of separateness that underlies our suffering. Accepting ourselves and everything around us we begin to realise the beauty of our own true nature. Free from alienation and blame, our actions naturally harmonise with the universe and resonate with the truth of our primordial purity.


Bookings and information contacts


BuddhaField is a collective of Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) Buddhists from all over the UK and beyond. We teach meditation and Buddhism at festivals,fairs and similar events. We also hold our own retreat camps, run the Buddhafield Cafe and organise our own festival!

Buddhafield is a UK registered charity No. 1108826.

Buddhafield's vision statement


You can read the FWBO News blog to keep up with FWBO events around the world

For personal web sites of some people involved with the FWBO read FWBO People.

The concept of a Buddhafield or Buddhafields originates in the Mahayana Buddhist sutras. In these sutras Buddhafields are worlds of great beauty created by the compassionate action of a Buddha. Such a Buddhafield is an environment in which all the conditions are conducive to spiritual practice and enlightenment.

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Page last updated: 14-Dec-2008
May all beings be happy!