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Workforce and Talent Division

The Workforce and Talent Division provides financial assistance and technical resources for customized training involving employees of new and expanding Ohio businesses.

Workforce and Talent Division provides up to 50 percent reimbursement to fund instructional costs, materials and training-related activities. There is an emphasis on manufacturing and selected employment sectors that have significant training and capital investment related to creating and retaining jobs.

Workforce and Talent Division also supports community economic development efforts through job creation and retention. The result is increased employee productivity, improved labor/management relations and a highly skilled labor pool.

The regional Workforce and Talent Division Coordinators walk companies through all phases of the application and approval process, at no cost to the business.

Workforce and Talent Division at (614) 466-4155 or (800) 848-1300. Or, for information about a specific region, click that region on the map below.

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Regional Workforce Directors

Regional Map

Regional Map Numbered ImageRegion 2 Northwest OhioRegion 8 Northern OhioRegion 12 Norhteast OhioRegion 6 North Central OhioRegion 1 Central OhioRegion 3 West Central OhioRegion 4 Southwest Central OhioRegion 9 Northeast Central OhioRegion 10 East Central OhioRegion 11 Southeast OhioRegion 7 Southern OhioRegion 5 Southwest Ohio

REGION 1 - Central Ohio
Steve Tirpak
Phone: (614) 752-4192 or (800) 848-1300

REGION 2 - Northwest Ohio 
Jerry Kipp
Phone: (330) 643-1780

REGION 3 - West Central Ohio
Mary Benedict
Phone: (937) 285-6191

REGION 4 - Southwest Central Ohio
Mary Benedict
Phone: (937) 285-6191

REGION 5 - Southwest Ohio 
Jennifer Spohr
Phone: (513) 852-2828

REGION 6 - North Central Ohio 
Steve Tirpak
Phone: (614) 752-4192 or (800) 848-1300

REGION 7 - Southern Ohio
Jennifer Spohr
Phone: (740) 775-0612

REGION 8 - Northern Ohio
Training Coordinator
Phone: (216) 787-3240

REGION 9 - Northeast Central Ohio
Jerry Kipp
Phone: (330) 643-1780

REGION 10 - East Central Ohio 
Alison Kelley
Phone: (740) 439-4238

REGION 11 - Southeast Ohio
Alison Kelley
Phone: (740) 439-4238 

REGION 12 - Northeast Ohio
Training Coordinator
Phone: (216) 787-3240

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Ohio Department of Development - Ted Strickland, Governor     Lee Fisher, Lieutenant Governor    Director, Ohio Department of Development

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