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North Anna 2
3Q/2008 Plant Inspection Findings

Initiating Events

Mitigating Systems

Significance:a graphic of the significance Mar 30, 2008
Identified By: NRC
Item Type: NCV NonCited Violation
Inadequate Design Control Involving Unit 2 Containment Sump Strainer Gaps
A Green NRC-identified non-cited violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design Control, was identified for inadequate design control measures to assure that the measurement technique used to verify the gaps between Unit 2 containment sump strainer modules were within the design particle retention size and the acceptance criteria for spacing between modules. The licensee entered the condition into their corrective action program and inspected all the gaps and either corrected or evaluated any gaps which exceeded the installation procedure acceptance criteria. This issue had previously been addressed on Unit 1.

The finding was more than minor because it impacted the mitigating systems cornerstone objective to ensure the availability and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences, and the related attribute of design control. The finding was of very low safety significance or Green because it did not result in an actual loss of safety function. The cause of this finding involved the cross-cutting area of human performance, the component of resources and the aspect of complete and accurate procedures and work packages H.2(c), because the licensee failed to establish an adequate method to verify that the installed configuration of the containment sump strainer met the design specification.
Inspection Report# : 2008002 (pdf)

Significance:a graphic of the significance Mar 30, 2008
Identified By: NRC
Item Type: NCV NonCited Violation
Spurious Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Trip Due to Failure to Adequately Implement Procedure
The inspectors identified a non-cited violation of Technical Specification 5.4.1a for a failure to adequately implement maintenance procedure requirements for the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump (TDAFWP) which, consequently, led to a spurious trip of the TDAFWP, following a reactor trip, on December 25, 2007. The licensee's corrective actions included repair of the affected TDAFWP components and procedure revisions to ensure accurate dimensional checks.

The finding was more than minor because it impacted the mitigating systems cornerstone objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences, and the related attribute of equipment reliability. The finding was of low safety significance or Green based upon both the motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps being available and the subsequent manual restart of the TDAFWP. The cause of the finding was related to the cross-cutting area of human performance, the component of work practices and the aspect involving procedure compliance, H.4(b), because the licensee failed to adequately implement a maintenance procedure step to identify unacceptable component dimensions.

Inspection Report# : 2008002 (pdf)

Significance:a graphic of the significance Jan 30, 2008
Identified By: NRC
Item Type: NCV NonCited Violation
Failure to Adequately Install an Oil Collection System on a Reactor Coolant Pump Motor
The inspectors identified a non-cited violation of the North Anna Power Plant Facility Renewed Operating Licensee NPF-7, Condition D, Fire Protection Program, which involved a failure to adequately install a section of the oil collection system on the Unit 2 ‘A’ reactor coolant pump motor. The licensee entered this issue into their corrective action program and took prompt action to repair the problem.

The finding was more than minor because it impacted the mitigating systems cornerstone objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences, and the related attribute of protection against external factors such as fire. This finding had a credible impact on safety because the inadequate installation of the oil collection system presented a degradation of a fire confinement component which has a fire prevention function of not allowing an oil leak to reach hot surfaces. The finding was of very low safety significance or Green because of the low degradation rating of the fire confinement category related to the oil collection system. The cause of this finding involved the cross-cutting area of human performance, the component of resources and the aspect of complete, accurate and up-to-date procedures, H.2(c), because the procedure was not adequate to ensure all bolting material was correctly installed.

Inspection Report# : 2008002 (pdf)

Barrier Integrity

Emergency Preparedness

Occupational Radiation Safety

Public Radiation Safety

Physical Protection

Although the NRC is actively overseeing the Security cornerstone, the Commission has decided that certain findings pertaining to security cornerstone will not be publicly available to ensure that potentially useful information is not provided to a possible adversary. Therefore, the cover letters to security inspection reports may be viewed.


Significance: SL-IV Sep 30, 2008
Identified By: NRC
Item Type: NCV NonCited Violation
Failure to Provide Complete and Accurate Medical Information to the NRC Which Impacted a Licensing Decision
The inspectors determined that the licensee’s failure to provide complete and accurate information to the NRC, which resulted in an incorrect licensing action, is a performance deficiency because the licensee is expected to comply with 10 CFR 50.9 and it was within the licensee’s ability to foresee and prevent. Because a violation of 10 CFR 50.9 is considered to be a violation that can potentially impede or impact the regulatory process, the violation was dispositioned using the traditional enforcement process. The finding was more than minor because information was provided to the NRC signed under oath by the Site Vice President and erroneously impacted an NRC licensing decision. There was no evidence that the operator endangered plant operations as a result of the pre-existing medical condition while performing licensed duties since the original license was issued on July 24, 2006. Inspectors determined that this issue did not meet the criteria for assignment of a cross-cutting aspect.

Inspection Report# : 2008004 (pdf)

Last modified : November 26, 2008