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How Does Section 508 cover persons with tremors and other dexterity and mobility disabilities (such as Parkinson’s syndrome)?


Section 508 requires accessibility for all types of disabilities. Dexterity and mobility challenges are addressed through a number of specific standards for technology, both directly and through support for the assistive technologies such as voice recognition software used by persons with motor control disabilities.

Many of the keyboard access and "Skip navigation" requirements help persons with dexterity and motor disabilities, allowing them to use special keyboards when accessing the Web.

Standards cover more than work station Web site access; for instance, they cover such things as kiosks and medial and laboratory Electronic Information Technology, addressing the level of force required to depress keys, and the height and reach required to use the device.

Note that the standard at 1194.41 (f) specifically ensures access by persons with mobility and dexterity impairments:

"(f) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions and that is operable with limited reach and strength shall be provided."

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Last Updated: 05/27/2008