National Center for Infectious Diseases Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases |
Branches and Activities in DVRDBiometrics(1) Maintains the Division's microcomputer network systems and provides communications to other computer systems inside and outside the Division; (2) coordinates the acquisition of Division software and hardware, and provides leadership and expertise in information services technologies; (3) designs, develops and supports epidemiologic, laboratory, financial, and other database management systems for the Division, and provides training to Division staff as needed; (4) coordinates the development of national laboratory systems which acquire surveillance data electronically; (5) serves as technical contact for two ADP contract mechanisms, providing programming and facilities management services for the Division; (6) provides presentation graphics/desktop publishing support and training; (7) provides data processing and data management support for the Division; and (8) provides intranet services to the Division and provides consultation on technical information management.
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