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Vermont Yankee Issues of Interest
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Engineering Inspection
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Engineering Inspection

To improve the effectiveness of the Reactor Oversight Process at identifying significant engineering issues, the NRC is piloting a new type of engineering inspection that will focus on verifying that design bases have been correctly implemented for select risk significant components. Temporary Instruction 2515/158 was issued on June 14, 2004, to guide these inspections. One of the criteria for selecting sites for the pilot inspections is recent licensing basis changes, such as a power uprate, that could reduce safety analysis margins. The NRC concluded that Vermont Yankee was a suitable candidate for one of the pilot inspections. This inspection was appropriate for addressing our oversight responsibilities and was also responsive to the Public Service Board’s request that we conduct an independent engineering assessment.

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Inspection Findings

The onsite portion of the inspection concluded on September 3, 2004. The inspection focused on verifying that Vermont Yankee’s design bases were correctly implemented for a sampling of components across multiple systems, both under current licensing conditions and under the proposed extended power uprate (EPU) conditions. Overall, the team found that the components and systems reviewed would be capable of performing their intended safety functions and that sufficient design controls for engineering work have been implemented. However, the team identified eight findings of very low safety significance. The details of the inspection findings are available in the inspection report which was issued on December 2, 2004. The Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel hosted a meeting on the evening of December 16, 2004, at Brattleboro High School to discuss the inspection results.

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Inspection Scope

The NRC has used this inspection to verify that design bases have been correctly implemented for a sampling of components across multiple systems and to identify latent design issues. The inspection process uses operating experience, risk assessment, and engineering analysis to select risk-significant components and operator actions for detailed reviews. It includes both safety and non-safety-related components that are risk significant. A significant portion of the inspection sample was from systems or components that would be potentially affected by a power uprate. Three weeks of onsite inspection and over 700 hours of direct inspection time have been conducted.

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Inspection Team Members

The Vermont Yankee inspection was performed by a team of eight inspectors. The team leader was from the NRC headquarters. He had extensive experience leading engineering team inspections, had no previous involvement or inspection experience at Vermont Yankee, and did not report to those responsible for Vermont Yankee oversight. The three contractors had diverse backgrounds in electrical, mechanical, and instrumentation, and had not been employed by Vermont Yankee or its owner, Entergy, for the last two years. The other NRC inspection team members had not been involved in engineering inspections at Vermont Yankee during the past two years.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007