Permaculture Design in Pai


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Permaculture Design

In Pai

On 11 rai or 5.5 acres of agricultural land along the Pai river, we are doing permaculture design. This is Buti's land and she is an akha hill tribe woman who has been farming all her life. She has extensive knowledge of thePhoto by Chrissie Hodel,  2004. plants and animals here, and along with other family members, she shares her knowledge with the people that come here to learn sustainable agriculture. We started planting in May 03', at the onset of the rainy season. Diversity is great, with exotic hardwood trees, incense trees, nuts etc..We have an abundance of bamboo dwelling and we are now growing sugar cane next to the river. This sugar cane is float harvested down the river to our store in Pai and is used to make sugar cane juice for sale; one cottage industry, amongst the possibility of many others. We will be building a bio-gas (methane) digester, also creating alcohol fuel for our motors from surplus fermentable harvests. In keeping with the Thailand forestry wishes,we are registering teak trees and plan to grow 400 per rye (2 meters apart) with selective harvesting. Sustainable agriculture and self-sufficiency is what we are working towards. Buti has been doing her own form of permaculture and we are learning from her traditional methods. We are a multi-cultural, multi-national co-operative of people and animals.

Projects in the Works:

Sustainable wood lots

Key line water system. 6 ponds, aqua culture, each pond having it's own ecosystem

Sustainable building methods/materials, primarily bamboo

Possible silk production from our organic mulberry trees

Solar greenhouse construction

Ethnobotanical garden

Ground water filtration

Installing ram pump system and setting up a hydro-generator


Photo by Chrissie Hodel,  2004.








Buti's Father instructing three graduates of the Evergreen State College in Washington State on how to repair a bamboo split floor. March 2004.

We are allways looking for willing workers on our organic farm - a place to learn from each other - for more info - please contact


Current Wish List:
Hydroelectric Generator - $500
Methane Generator  Alternative energy System- $2500
Distillation Equipment for making fuel to run Vehicles - $1000
Alcohol Fueled Three Wheel Utility Farm Vehicle - $2000
Solar Panels and Batteries - $2000
Water Buffalo - $500 each (need 3)
New Dormitory for Farm Workers - $800
New Water Tower for Dry season - $300
Food and Basic needs for Willing Farm Worker One Month - $150
Please Help sponsor our project
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That means if you donate $500 you get 5000 Karma Points