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Office of New Drug Quality Assessment (ONDQA)


Moheb Nasr, Ph.D., Director


(301) 796-1900


(301) 796-9748



U.S. Mail: 

10903 New Hampshire Avenue HFD-800
Silver Spring, MD 20993

Dr. Moheb Nasr is the Director of the Office of New Drug Quality Assessment, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA.  In 1979, Dr. Nasr obtained his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry at the University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minnesota before joining Lindenwood University as an assistant professor of Chemistry.  In 1982, Dr. Nasr was appointed as visiting professor, Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis and in 1989 was promoted to Professor and Chairman of the Chemistry Department at Lindenwood University.  In 1989, Dr. Nasr joined the Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Division of Drug Analysis, as a research chemist and in 1998 became the director of the Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis.  In 2002, Dr. Nasr served as the acting director of the Office of Testing and Research (OTR). Dr. Nasr's research interests include pharmaceutical analysis, chromatography, spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, and reaction mechanisms.

Christine Moore, Ph.D., Acting Deputy Director


(301) 796-1900


(301) 796-9748



U.S. Mail: 

10903 New Hampshire Avenue HFD-800
Silver Spring, MD 20993

Dr. Chi-wan Chen is the Deputy Director of ONDQA. She received her Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. She worked for several years as a research chemist in the chemical industry and in NIH, and as a review chemist in EPA before she joined FDA in 1986. She served as a Review Chemist and Supervisory Chemist in Division of Antiviral Drug Products and had served as Division Director in Office of New Drug Chemistry until she assumed her current position in 2003. Dr. Chen was the FDA topic lead at the International Conference on Harmonization during the revision and expansion of the Q1A Stability Guidance and the revision of Q3A and Q3B Impurity Guidances between August 1998 and February 2003.

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Created: September, 2006
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