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Audio recording of Legislative Counsel committee hearing in Oregon on copyright status of Oregon Revised Statutes - June 19, 2008.  Listen for Tim Stanley's vision of building on the Statutes with technology and community. E.g. include earlier versions, tagging,  allowing law professors and others to add comments, and more. Here's the Justia site. 

(thanks, Tim, Cicely and Nick) 

The Stanford Copyright & Fair Use site continues to updates its current featured cases, dockets, legislation, etc. For updates on the Harry Potter case, the PRO-IP bill and more, see CURRENT tab.

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Nick added a comments feature to this blog. Feel free to take advantage of your opportunity to talk to us. Thanks, Nick.


You can search appellate cases for copyright cases at

If you're following the Harry Potter court case filed by J. K. Rowling and Warner Brothers against an RDR Books' Harry Potter Lexicon, you may want to look at the new court filings that came in on Friday to the Stanford Copyright & Fair Use site, courtesy of


The Stanford Fair Use Project is defending RDR books.

As we update, revise, retool this site, we're especially interested in what you, the reader, would like to see. Please send email to

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New Fair Use podcast

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Richard Stim has a new Nolo podcast on Fair Use. Rich writes the copyright overview for the Stanford Copyright & Fair Use page.  He talks about current events and the future direction of Fair Use. Have a listen at

Welcome to our new blog at the Stanford Copyright and Fair Use site. We just added a number of RSS feeds to our CURRENT tabs. Featured cases are cases in the news that Justia has chosen to supply readers with the full text of district court filings. Readers can subscribe to updates on all the featured cases, or on inidivual cases.  Dockets are new filings in the district courts, categorized under "copyright" in the PACER system. Legislation is a list of pending legislation, listed by the Copyright Office and linked to, which shows current status of the legislation, and links to the legislation full text, news and blog posts when available. Regulations are Federal Register notices from the Copyright Office and the Copyright Royalty Board, LIbrary of Congress, collected by the Justia Regulation Tracker. Articles are primarily law review articles - coming from SSRN (search term "copyright") and Tarleton Law Library Current Copyright Literature, and more sources may be added later.  News is a simple "copyright" keyword search using Google news for now, and Blogs are entries from hand selected blogs that are especially strong on copyright issues, from various viewpoints. 

Thanks, Nick, Dan, Vasu

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