:: Honorable Carol A. Doyle, Chief Judge ::
:: Kenneth S. Gardner, Clerk of the Court ::
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Jack B. Schmetterer - Original Motion / Adversary Schedule

Judge Schmetterer will not be sitting the following dates:
Monday February 09, 2009
Tuesday February 10, 2009
Wednesday February 11, 2009
Thursday February 12, 2009
Friday February 13, 2009

Please DO NOT schedule any NON-emergency motions on the aforementioned dates. They WILL NOT BE HEARD and will require re-noticing to a date when Judge Schmetterer is holding court.

ONLY EMERGENCY MOTIONS will be heard on those dates. Please contact the Chambers of the EMERGENCY JUDGE for scheduling of any EMERGENCY MOTIONS

Minute Orders are not required on any filings.

Courtroom No. 682
Chapters 7 and 11 Non-Adversary Original Motions
Unless otherwise scheduled, these are presented Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. or Friday at 10:30 a.m.
Chapter 13 Non-Adversary Motions (Wednesday)

9:30 a.m. - Original Trustee Motions to Dismiss (on docket at “9:29 a.m.”)

9:30 a.m. - Original Motions

10:00 a.m. - Set Motions

11:00 a.m. - Confirmation Call a.m.

Adversaries Related to all Chapter Cases
New Adversary summons are returnable Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10:30 a.m.
All Adversary related motions to be presented on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. or Friday at 10:30 a.m.
All Motions
1. If case is already set for something, motion should be noticed for the time already set. Otherwise, the clerk will reset new motion to time already set.
2. If noticing more than ten hearings for some morning, see Deputy Clerk to schedule them for an uncrowded day.

If you will be setting more than ten (10) adversary status hearing dates on a bankruptcy matter, please contact the Judge's chambers for the day and time of the hearing.