How to Index YOUR Standards to GLOBE

The GLOBE Classroom Assessment Team at SRI International's Center for Technology in Learning has developed a series of strategies designed to help index GLOBE to standards.  These alignment strategies represent a first draft to help GLOBE partners begin the indexing process.  The procedures and materials in the Alignment Binder only incorporate the GLOBE protocols, learning activities, and other resources presented in the 1997 GLOBE Implementation Guide. New resources that will appear in the 2001 Guide will be added at a later date. You are encouraged to return to this site for periodic updates.  We propose that these draft materials be used as a starting place for GLOBE partners, curriculum specialists, and teachers as they work together with district- and state-level officials to build a coherent plan for implementing GLOBE activities. 

In this 'Alignment Binder' (download below) you will find:

Introduction – a two-page thumbnail 'how to' sheet (suitable for overhead production)

Section 1 – GLOBE key science concepts linked to National Science Education Standards K-4, 5-8, & 9-12

Section 2 – GLOBE assessment strategies linked to National Science Education Standards, AAAS Benchmarks, Third International Math and Science Study, National Standards (Scientific Thinking)

Section 3 – GLOBE assessment strategies linked to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, TIMSS Math Framework, National Council of Teachers of English/International Reading Association, New Standards (English Language Arts)

Section 4 – Template 'Linking GLOBE key science concepts to YOUR standards'

Section 5 – Template 'Linking GLOBE assessment strategies to YOUR standards'

Section 6 – GLOBE key science concepts & GLOBE assessment strategies linked to Protocols

Section 7 – GLOBE key science concepts & GLOBE assessment strategies linked to Learning Activities

Section 8 - GLOBE key science concepts & GLOBE assessment strategies linked to Classroom Assessments

The process of aligning GLOBE to standards requires a substantial commitment of time and effort.  Therefore, we offer the following GLOBE ALIGNMENT STRATEGIES to guide you through this undertaking:

  1. Read accompanying materials carefully.
  2. Check with your stateGLOBE partnerships to coordinate the alignment activities.  You may be able to divide the labor by grade levels or content areas.

An alignment to state standards requires input from a broad spectrum of personnel and should NOT be undertaken by individual teachers or curriculum specialists.

  1. Assemble an alignment team with a wide range of representation, including: classroom teachers at ALL grade levels (not just those teachers/grade levels currently using GLOBE materials), curriculum specialists, scientists, franchise/partner coordinators, state department of education personnel
  2. Develop an iterative review process.  Involve key GLOBE Partners, District, & State personnel in the process to edit, review, and approve.  The ultimate goal is for GLOBE state partners to post approved alignments on the GLOBE Web site. State Departments of Education must approve GLOBE alignments with state standards before the alignments will be posted on the GLOBE Web site. The iterative review process is KEY to accomplishing this.
  3. The pages that follow represent our first draft efforts (1997 Implementation Guide only) and you are encouraged to return to this site for periodic updates.  Check back for our guidelines 'Is Your Classroom a Match for the Cognitive Strategies that Link to GLOBE?'

Choose the Binder section(s) you would like to download:


questions/comments? send inquiries to webmaster@globeAssessment

Page last updated on March 11, 2002