آموزش Ùˆ تحصيلات:مقدمه Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:07:37 -0500 <![CDATA[همچنان که نياز به مهندسان هسته ای افزايش می يابد، برنامه ميشيگان رتبه اول را به دست می آورد]]> Wed, 07 Jan 2009 18:04:22 -0500

[1] U.S. News & World Report

[2] William R. Martin

]]> <![CDATA[با تاریخ رویارو شوید، تاریخ ساز شوید]]> Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:20:20 -0500 <![CDATA[انتخاب های ما داستان می نویسند]]> Mon, 29 Dec 2008 13:49:21 -0500 <![CDATA[شغل من دوست من شد]]> Mon, 29 Dec 2008 13:58:52 -0500 <![CDATA[گروه ها، برنامۀ "درکنار هم بودن در روز ناهار" را نشانی از تنوع و تحمل یک دیگر می دانند]]> Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:02:21 -0500 <![CDATA[در بارۀ این شماره]]> Tue, 23 Dec 2008 16:14:55 -0500 <![CDATA[رودخانه ای از آن میان می گذرد]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:34:21 -0500 The route one takes to find a dream career can often go down many meandering paths….or rivers. A successful outdoors writer shares his story about how a childhood fascination with rivers led him into whitewater adventures all over the world, and eventually to publication.

<![CDATA[مسابقه با توانایی های خودتان]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:11:45 -0500 This is a brief sidebar featuring an excerpt of a commencement speech delivered by Dell Computer, Inc. Chief Executive Officer Michael Dell.

<![CDATA[ارائه خدمات عمومی، به دست آوردن یک حرفه]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:09:54 -0500 AmeriCorps members help others — running after-school programs, building trails in national parks, and facing down forest fires. Participants in the U.S. government’s public service jobs program also find that their work introduces them to skills they didn’t know they had, and a path to a long-term career.

<![CDATA[ورود به کالج]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 16:02:10 -0500

[1] College Summit

[2] J.B.Schramm

]]> <![CDATA[قدردانی نسبت به مشاغل پر زحمت، دشوار و خطرناک]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:39:39 -0500 In every episode of the television program Dirty Jobs, the host goes to a different job site, rolls up his sleeves, and works side by side with people who perform all sorts of unpleasant tasks for a living every day. Mike Rowe discusses what he has learned about the value and dignity of hard work.

<![CDATA[چشم ها یتان را بگشایید]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:19:34 -0500 A young man from a poor neighborhood describes how he envisioned a new future for himself, found his way to college and is now pursuing a professional career. At the same time, he’s helping other youngsters open their eyes to the potential that is before them and work toward college admission.

<![CDATA[بازیکن بازی های کامپیوتری به "پایان ناخوشایند" کار خود می رسد]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 15:00:03 -0500

[1] Everquest

[2] World of Warcraft

[3] Crossroads

[4] Hasbro Interactive

[5] First Person Shooter

[6] Darkest of Days

]]> <![CDATA[ادویۀ تند، هات داگ، و میراث خانواده]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:20:04 -0500 An immigrant to the United States starts a small business. It becomes a community institution in Washington, D.C., over the decades. But the sons of the next generation face some difficult decisions about whether they want to give their lives to the family-owned restaurant, Ben’s Chili Bowl.

<![CDATA[آنچه که شما به دنیا ارائه می دهید]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:14:30 -0500 We are all born gifted, with a set of skills unique to each individual. A renowned career counselor provides advice on how to identify your own skills, examine them, and recognize they are talents you offer the world. Identifying those skills is a key step to finding the career path best for you.

<![CDATA[هر تماس تلفنی در مورد رویدادی متفاوت است]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 14:34:46 -0500 A job with too much paperwork and too little activity didn’t satisfy Andrea Clark. So she gave up the field in which she’d earned a college degree and made a career out of her volunteer activity — firefighting. Fifteen years after the shift in course, she is still happy with her work helping others.

<![CDATA[اقتدار دادن به جامعه]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 15:07:27 -0500 A member of the U.S. Congress recalls an early working experience with a public service jobs program. The experience taught her self-help, interracial cooperation and mobilization, she writes. She also learned that great things can be accomplished with the collective strength of community.

<![CDATA[سفری در بازنگری ها]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:25:26 -0500 Choosing a career is hard. Choosing two careers must be harder. But this essayist writes that choosing to be both a novelist and a physician was the only choice that seemed right. Persistence, determination, and dedication to her dual career saw the author through many challenges on the road to success.

<![CDATA[انجام شدنی است]]> Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:06:14 -0500 This is a brief sidebar featuring an excerpt of a commencement speech delivered by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

<![CDATA[فرهنگ بر برنامه ریزی حرفه ای و زندگی تأثیر می گذارد]]> Sun, 07 Dec 2008 10:37:11 -0500

[1] . Richard N. Bolles

[2] . What Color Is Your Parachute?

]]> <![CDATA[شهروند جوانی از دشت حاصلخیز مرکز آمریکا و حس ارتباط جهانی]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:19:29 -0500

[1] Barbara (Barb) Walkowiak

[2] Bill of Rights Institute

[3] Columbine

[4] Virginia Tech

]]> <![CDATA[انتخاب شغل در دورانی پر تحول]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:18:29 -0500 Rapidly advancing technologies and economic realignment have changed the U.S. employment market, affecting choices as young people move from school into the workplace. Yet, many young people today are taking longer than previous generations to complete their education and settle onto a career path.

<![CDATA[تامین معشیت با خاطره آفرینی]]> Thu, 04 Dec 2008 11:20:20 -0500 Following your heart in a career choice may sometimes cause disagreements with your parents. A prominent American chef recalls his experience in making his decision to enter the hospitality industry. He explains how he started at the bottom and rose to the top of the profession as the chef to presidents.

<![CDATA[مربیان به آموزش عالی از طریق اینترنت امتیاز بالائی می دهند]]> Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:46:00 -0500

[i]Staying the Course: Online Education in the United States, 2008

[ii] Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

[iii] Robert Schroeder

[iv] Ithaca

[v] College of Lake County (CLC)

[vi] Minnesota Online

]]> <![CDATA[کالجی که به استقبال گرم از دانشجویان جدید مهاجر معروف شده است]]> Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:06:21 -0500 Located in an outer borough of New York City, Queens College is often overlooked. But observers say it plays a crucial role in providing an excellent higher education to thousands of students, many of them immigrants or the first in their families to go to college.

<![CDATA[کمک لیلیان اودانل به دانش آموزان در تحقق رؤیای ورود به دانشگاه]]> Wed, 19 Nov 2008 17:09:55 -0500 Lillian O’Donnell an is adviser for The National College Advising Corps (NCAC), an initiative aimed at increasing the number of students from low-income families who get a higher education. While guiding young students through the often confusing college application process, O’Donnell said she has learned a lotfrom them too.

[1] National College Advising Corps

]]> <![CDATA[یکصد چهل و پنجمین سالگرد سخنرانی پرزیدنت لینکلن در گتیسبرگ]]> Wed, 19 Nov 2008 14:16:46 -0500 President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered November 19, 1863.

<![CDATA[يک سال اقامت در آمريکا، دانش آموزان روسی را به تحقق آرزوهايشان ترغیب می کند]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 11:16:42 -0500 <![CDATA[برنامه ای که دسترسی به کالج را آسان تر و میل به خدمت را ترغیب می کند]]> Tue, 04 Nov 2008 18:18:03 -0500 The National College Advising Corps aims not only to boost the number of students from low-income families who get a higher education, but also to offer an experience for advisers that will make them effective public servants and instill in them a passion for service, says corps Executive Director Nicole Hurd.

<![CDATA[توضیح دکستر رابینسون، مشاور دانشجویی، دربارۀ چگونگی دستیابی به تحصیلات عالی]]> Thu, 23 Oct 2008 18:01:56 -0500 Millions of academically prepared students from lower-income families do not get a higher education because of a lack of information. The National College Advising Corps places recent college graduates as advisers in schools with low rates of college attendance with the aim of reaching these students.

<![CDATA[ايالات متحده از برنامه مبادله رهبران آينده (FLEX) حمايت می کند]]> Fri, 11 Apr 2008 14:39:06 -0500