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National Vaccine Program Office

Abstract � Fiscal Year 2003

Proposal Number:


PI Name:

Roger Bernier, PhD, MPH

PI Email:

PI Title:

Associate Director for Science

Project Title:

Enhancing Public Participation in Dialogue and Deliberation about Vaccines.

Project Start:


Project End:


Abstract: This planning project is jointly funded by the National Immunization Program, the National Vaccine Program, and the Johnson Foundation in Racine Wisconsin. It is designed to explore increasing public engagement in decision making about vaccines. Beginning in October 2001, the project will identify and bring together for the first time stakeholders from six major stakeholder groups in immunization, including federal agency officials, health care professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and representatives of publics that have been supportive, critical, or neutral on vaccine issues. The project will obtain the services of the Keystone Center in Keystone Colorado to serve as a neutral facilitator. In addition, experts and consultants on public engagement will participate and contribute their expertise. During the first phase, a conference will be held at Wingspread, the Johnson Foundation facility, to determine if there is adequate interest in exploring public engagement further. If further exploration is indicated, a Steering Committee will be appointed from the members of the Wingspread group, and a more detailed plan for creating a new, more collaborative public engagement mechanism will be developed. It is anticipated that that recommendations of the Steering Committee will be presented to the full Wingspread group for final approval by May 2003. Subsequent activities will focus on facilitating implementation of the Wingspread Group�s proposal.

Institution: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date: July 2003

Return to Research Program Awards for Fiscal Year 2003

Last revised: January 13, 2004


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