Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



November 22, 2003


China - Rainfall Graphs


Rainfall graph - Hebei

Rainfall was normal until early October, when the province was hit by very unseasonable rainfall.  Precipitation in November fell as snow.

Rainfall graph - Henan

Very heavy rain in August and late-September/early October affected cotton yields and delayed winter wheat planting.  Drought was a major problem in 2001 and 2002.

Rainfall graph - Shandong

Periods of heavy rain in late August and mid-October were unfavorable for the cotton harvest.  Conditions were much drier in 2002 and 2001, when drought covered the region.

Rainfall graph - Anhui -Jiangsu

Wetter than normal, but not too excessive.  Earlier heavy rain (June/July) caused flooding the in the Huai River valley.  Conditions were drier than normal in 2001 and 2002.

Rainfall graph - Shaanxi - Shanxi

Persistent wetness in August and September led to flooding in the Wei River valley.

Rainfall graph - Yangtze valley

Drier than normal, no harvest problems.

For more information, contact Paulette Sandene
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division,
Center for Remote Sensing Analysis at (202) 202-690-0133.


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