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The name says it all


Pictured in the above photograph, from left to right, are: Supervisory Special Agent C. Craig Samtmann, Program Manager of PEFP, OLEC, FBI Headquarters; Captain Diane J. Mozzicato; Lieutenant Scott M. Savage; and Lieutenant Robert V. Fox.

Police - Our partners in state and local law enforcement...
Executive - With a rank of lieutenant or above...
Fellowship -
Working in key operational posts with colleagues at FBI Headquarters...
- In an ongoing initiative funded by the Department of Justice and managed by the FBI's Office of Law Enforcement Coordination (OLEC).

And if you want to know more, here are the details:

Why was the PEFP launched?
Shortly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01, Director Mueller recognized the need to include state and local law enforcement in the vast interagency team being assembled at FBI Headquarters to coordinate the 24/7 campaign to prevent future terrorist attacks. He asked Assistant Director Louis Quijas, hired in April 2002 to strengthen the Bureau's relationships with law enforcement, to make it happen.

Who has served and when and where have they worked?

  • Detective Richard J. Cline, Fairfax County, Virginia, Police Department, and Detective Joseph Morrash, Alexandria, Virginia, Police Department
    - Served on the FBI-led National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF) at FBI Headquarters from October 2002 to April 2003
  • Captain Diane J. Mozzicato, Kansas City, Missouri, Police Department
    - Served on the NJTTF from August 2003 to February 2004
  • Lieutenant Robert V. Fox, Los Angeles, California, Police Department
    - Served in the FBI's Office of Intelligence from September 2003 to March 2004
  • Here now are:
    - Lieutenant Scott M. Savage, San Jose, California, Police Department, serving on the NJTTF.
    - Detective Leonard J. Nerbetski, New Jersey State Police, working in the FBI's Law Enforcement On-line (LEO) Unit in the Criminal Justice Information Services Division.
    - Inspector Gregory A. Plummer, Detroit, Michigan, Police Department, currently serving the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance
  • Coming in June are:
    - Lieutenant Robert "Keith" Corley, Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Forsyth, Georgia.
    - Lieutenant Amy Lynn Clymer, Grand Junction, Colorado, Police Department.

What's the benefit?

  • For police executives: Direct access to critical FBI information. First-hand knowledge of how the Bureau works, which they carry back to their agencies.
  • For the FBI: Fresh insights. A greater sense of what state/local law enforcement need from us and the skills, talents, and perspectives they bring to the table.
  • For both sides: Real operational improvements that benefit the entire law enforcement community. Example: Detectives Cline and Morrash, both experienced JTTF members, developed and designed a Terrorism Quick Reference Card that helps law enforcement officers spot the warning signs of potential terrorist threats. Executive Fellows also helped fine-tune intelligence sharing methodologies and develop a National Alert System for law enforcement executives.
  • For the nation: A more coordinated approach to protecting the homeland, so vital in this age of global, networked, and technologically sophisticated terrorist and criminal organizations.

Links: Office of Law Enforcement Coordination

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