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Karnish Instruments (Commonwealth of PA)

1.0 Site Identification

Location: Lock Haven,PA
License No.: N/A
Docket No.:
License Status: Unknown
Project Manager: Sarah Michonski (NRC Decommissioning Contact)

2.0 Site Status Summary

Project Manager: Bryan Werner

Karnish Instruments was a manufacturer and repair facility for aircraft instruments. The removal of radium paints from the dials appears to have been a common activity. The use of solvents and other techniques appear to have been common for the paint removal. The operation started at a small building adjacent to the Piper Airport in Lock Haven. The building no longer exists, bur a relatively small amount of soil contamination remains around the building footprint. The business moved across town to a larger facility and continued operations until 1979. The building sat vacant until the early 1980's when an equipment rental and repair shop moved in completely unaware of the former use of radioactive materials. The owner has since remodeled the second floor turning it into four apartments. This building has significant soil and building radium contamination. During discussions with another contaminated instrument repair facility, the Department was made aware of the former Karnish Instruments operations. Both properties were investigated and determined to have contamination issues. The rental business property is the most affected property. A characterization of the building and surrounding soils shows widespread contamination including under the foundation of the building. The Commonwealth's Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) group has been brought in to facilitate the site characterization and cleanup.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

The owners of these properties are currently being considered innocent parties. There remains no legacy business or even ownership from the Karnish Instruments days. Therefore, there is no licensee to perform the cleanup. An evaluation is being performed by the HSCA group to determine the best approach for handling the sites. Options include no action, an attempted cleanup that would leave the building standing, or a total dismantlement of the building and removal of all impacted soils.

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure

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Friday, September 26, 2008