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Roving Cloud Observations for S'COOL

It's not too late to report observations you made on Global Cloud Observation Day. Just go to the Report Form to enter them. We have fixed an error that was causing some people to have problems. Please try again!

Welcome to NASA Langley Research Center's cloud observation project, S'COOL. This site provides all the information that you need to make and report a cloud observation at a non-permanent (i.e., roving) observation site. We welcome observations from any interested observers, especially from places where official weather observations are few and far between.

Follow the links above to get satellite overpass times, learn about making observations, report an observation, and explore the database of reported observations (which will include corresponding satellite data once they are available).

View a Tutorial to help you get started.

For permanent, school or museum-based observation sites, please visit the main web page for the project, Students' Cloud Observations On-Line.