Criteria for Submitting a Position Paper Topic

If you answer NO to any of the following 5 questions, the issue should NOT be submitted for Position Paper development.

  1. Is the issue of regional, national, or international importance to the wetland resource?
  2. Is the issue within the expertise of the SWS membership?
  3. Do documentable facts and scientific information exist to support development of a position paper on the issue?
  4. Can the issue be developed into a position paper that is objective and without even the appearance of special interest lobbying?
  5. Does the issue fall within the scope of the Society's objectives:
    1. advance public education and enlightenment concerning wetland resources;
    2. provide and independent forum for an interchange of ideas and data developed within wetland science;
    3. develop and encourage wetland science as a distinct discipline by supporting student education, curriculum development, and research;
    4. encourage and evaluate the educational, scientific, and technological development and advancement of all branches of wetland science and practice; or
    5. encourage the knowledgeable management of wetland resources.

If the answer to all of these questions is YES, then complete the following form and submit it to the SWS Wetland Concerns Committee.

1. Date:
2. Your Name (required):
3. Affiliation:
4. Mailing Address (required):
5. Email Address (required):
6. Phone Number:
7. Position Paper Issue (required):
8. Names of Potential Drafters (Experts): One per line - include email if known
9. Names of Potential Reviewers (Knowledgeable People): One per line - include email if known
10. Have you written a draft position paper? YES NO

a) If yes please email the file to Dennis Whigham (
b) If no, please provide your synopsis of the issue and relevent, supporting literature, if possible.