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The New England Journal of Higher Education Archives Print E-mail
PDFs of past issues of The New England Journal of Higher Education (formerly Connection) are available free of charge as a service to researchers and interested people across New England and beyond.

Click on the picture of any issue’s cover to download a PDF file of that issue. Click on the red title of the issue to see a synopsis of that issue.

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Summer 2008
Spring 2008
Winter 2008
Digital Technologies
Bringing Profound Changes
to N.E. Higher Education 
Trends & Indicators 2008
N.E. College Enrollment Shows Slowing Growth Rate
The Coming Demographic Crisis
Exploiting College Rankings and Reinventing Adult Education
Fall 2007
Summer 2007
Spring 2007
Public Investment Pays Off
Quantifying the Return on
Funding Higher Education
Inaugural Issue
Announcing The New England Jorurnal of Higher Education
Trends & Indicators 2007
Less Than Half of N.E. High School Graduates Deemed “College Ready“
Winter 2007
Fall 2006
Summer 2006
Higher Ed and Washington
Sizing Up the Work of the
Spellings Commission
New England’s Place in the Global Student Marketplace
Urban Scholars
Explores College Readiness Programs, Diversity Efforts and More
Spring 2006
Winter 2006
Fall 2005
Trends & Indicators 2006
Another Enrollment Record
for N.E. Colleges
Ready for College?
Examines Issues in College Readiness, Access and Success
NEBHE's 50th Anniversary
Half a Century of New England Higher Education and Economic Development
Summer 2005
Spring 2005
Winter 2005
The Creative Region
New England’s Place in the
Global Creative Economy
Trends & Indicators 2005
N.E. Enrollment Hits Record
But Challenges Loom

Engines of Growth
New England Colleges' Broad Economic Impact
Fall 2004
Summer 2004
Spring 2004
Trends & Indicators 2004
Enrollment Hits Record High
But Degree Production Lags
Winter 2004
Fall 2003
Summer 2003
Making College Affordable
Connection Outlines Policies to Make College Affordable
Bright Futures?
Connection Explores New England's Human Capital Future

Spring 2003
Winter 2003
Fall 2002
Trends & Indicators 2003
Connection Explores New England Higher Education Trends and Indicators
Looking for the Right Fit
Connection Explores Business and Higher Education Collaboration

Summer 2002
Spring 2002
Fall 2001
Trends & Indicators 2002
Connection Explores New England Higher Education Trends and Indicators
Who Will Teach?
Connection Explores Teacher Shortage

Summer 2001
Winter 2001
Fall 2000
Colleges and Communities: Connection Explores Complex Housing Issues in New England's College Towns and Cities
Help Wanted!
Connection Explores New England's Labor Squeeze

Summer 2000
Fall / Winter 1999
Summer 1999
Initiatives to Break Down Barriers to College: Features Commentaries on Global Warming, Student Activism, Charter Colleges, Charitable Tax Deductions

Spring 1999
Fall 1998
Summer 1998
Connection Explores Regional Policy Priorities: Features Mock Race for Governor of "State of New England"
To order back issues of Connection prior to Summer 1998, please send an email message with your request to connection@nebhe.org.

Click below to find out about and register for NEBHE's upcoming events!

Bridging the Gap to Promote High School & College Alignment: A CRNE Conference
January 29, 2008

NEBHE's 2009 Excellence Awards
March 6, 2009

Higher Education and Sustainability
May 4, 2009
© 2009 New England Board of Higher Education. All rights reserved.