Learn How You Can Help Spruce Up Our Beautiful Lands!

 About National Public Lands Day

National Public Lands Day began in 1994 with three federal agencies and 700 volunteers. Last year nearly 110,000 volunteers worked in 1,300 locations and in every state. Now, 8 federal agencies and many state and local lands participate in this annual day of caring for shared lands.

National Public Lands Day keeps the promise of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the "tree army" that worked from 1933-42 to preserve and protect America's natural heritage.

This annual event:

  • Educates Americans about critical environmental and natural resources issues and the need for shared stewardship of these valued, irreplaceable lands;
  • Builds partnerships between the public sector and the local community based upon mutual interests in the enhancement and restoration of America's public lands;
  • Improves public lands for outdoor recreation, with volunteers assisting land managers in hands-on work.